Phillip Dale Johnson
Petty Officer Third Class
United States Navy
Abilene, Texas
July 05, 1947 to September 10, 1967
PHILLIP D JOHNSON is on the Wall at Panel 26E, Line 46
See the full profile or name rubbing for Phillip Johnson

Combat Action Ribbon
Phillip D Johnson
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The Combined Action Program was a United States Marine Corps counterinsurgency tool during the Vietnam War. It was widely remembered by the Marine Corps as effective. Operating from 1965 to 1971, it placed a 13-member Marine rifle squad, augmented by a U.S. Navy Corpsman and strengthened by a Vietnamese militia platoon of older youth and elderly men, in or adjacent to a rural Vietnamese hamlet.

In most cases, the Popular Forces militia members (Nghia Quan) were residents of the hamlet who were either too young or too old to be drafted into the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) or the Regional Forces (Dia Phuong Quan). The entire unit of American Marines and militia members together was designated as a Combined Action Platoon (CAP).

On 10 September 1967, the CAP DELTA-4 location was over run by enemy forces 2 Kilometers south of Dien Ban, South Vietnam. Seven americans were killed in the incident. They included:

Phillip D Johnson

Phillip D Johnson

Phillip D Johnson

Phillip Dale Johnson died as a result of shrapnel wounds to the body. He is buried in Elmwood Memorial Park, Abilene, Taylor County, Texas

Phillip D Johnson

- - The Virtual Wall, 8 February 2024


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