The Virtual Wall, memorializing Vietnam casualties since 1997
The Virtual Wall, memorializing Vietnam casualties since 1997
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POW/MIA This index gives the most recent status for men memorialized on the site who were, at one time, listed as Missing in Action. Click on a name to go to the person's memorial page.

The table lists the Incident Date, which is the actual date of loss, and the Casualty Date, which is the date that the Service branch determined that the individual had died. For those men who have returned, the dates that their remains were repatriated and identified are shown. In addition, the "How Lost" column gives the vehicle involved or type of loss, and the "Status" line gives the DoD POW/MIA Office's most recent status for the individual. When available, a link to the POW Network biography page is provided.

Name Rank/Svc Lost in Incident CasDate Returned Identified How Lost

Babcock, Ronald L 1LT, Army Laos 02/27/1971 02/27/1971 OH6A
 Status: Killed in action, body not recovered POW Network Bio

Badley, James L 1LT, USAF North Vietnam 03/27/1968 03/27/1968 F4D
 Status: Killed in action, body not recovered POW Network Bio

Badolati, Frank N SSG, Army South Vietnam 01/29/1966 01/29/1966 GROUND
 Status: Killed in action, body not recovered POW Network Bio

Baker, Arthur D MAJ, USAF Laos 04/07/1965 01/08/1974 02/24/2003 05/20/2005 B57B
 Status: Remains returned/remains recovered POW Network Bio

Balamoti, Michael D MAJ, USAF Laos 11/24/1969 09/24/1973 11/15/1993 10/02/1995 C130A
 Status: Remains returned/remains recovered POW Network Bio

Bancroft, William W 1LT, USAF North Vietnam 11/13/1970 11/13/1970 RF4C
 Status: Killed in action, body not recovered POW Network Bio

Bannon, Paul W COL, USAF Laos 07/12/1969 01/22/1979 F4D
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

Barden, Howard L CPT, USAF Laos 01/31/1967 01/31/1967 UC123B
 Status: Killed in action, body not recovered POW Network Bio

Barker, Jack L MAJ, Army Laos 03/20/1971 03/20/1971 12/05/2002 08/30/2005 UH1H
 Status: Remains returned/remains recovered POW Network Bio

Barnes, Charles R CPT, Army South Vietnam 03/16/1969 08/24/1976 U21
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

Bates, Paul J CPT, Army South Vietnam 08/10/1971 02/06/1974 O1G
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

Batt, Michael L SSG, Army South Vietnam 03/16/1969 08/31/1978 04/07/1988 04/05/2005 U21
 Status: Remains returned/remains recovered POW Network Bio

Bauder, James R CAPT, Navy North Vietnam 09/21/1966 05/12/1978 F4B
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

Bauer, Richard G SP5, Army South Vietnam 11/04/1969 11/04/1969 07/09/1973 09/05/1973 UH1H
 Status: Remains returned/remains recovered POW Network Bio

Beach, Arthur J CPT, USMC South Vietnam 03/20/1966 03/20/1966 UH34D
 Status: Killed in action, body not recovered POW Network Bio

Beals, Charles E SP4, Army South Vietnam 07/07/1970 07/08/1971 GROUND
 Status: Killed in action, body not recovered POW Network Bio

Bebus, Charles J MSGT, USAF North Vietnam 12/21/1972 06/09/1977 12/15/1988 04/18/1989 B52G
 Status: Remains returned/remains recovered POW Network Bio

Becerra, Rudy M SSG, Army Cambodia 03/24/1970 11/13/1978 04/12/1995 06/20/2001 UH1H
 Status: Remains returned/remains recovered POW Network Bio

Beck, Edward E GSGT, USMC South Vietnam 08/09/1969 10/11/1978 AT SEA
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

Bednarek, Jonathan B CPT, USAF North Vietnam 05/18/1972 04/17/1979 12/15/1988 06/01/1989 F4D
 Status: Remains returned/remains recovered POW Network Bio

Beecher, Quentin R CWO, Army South Vietnam 06/11/1967 06/05/1973 UH1D
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

Belknap, Harry J ENS, Navy North Vietnam 06/23/1966 06/23/1966 F4B
 Status: Killed in action, body not recovered POW Network Bio

Bell, Marvin E SSGT, USAF Laos 06/30/1970 06/30/1970 03/24/1993 03/07/1995 HH53C
 Status: Remains returned/remains recovered POW Network Bio

Bennefeld, Steven H PFC, USMC South Vietnam 07/29/1967 07/29/1967 GROUND
 Status: Killed in action, body not recovered POW Network Bio

Bennett, Thomas W MAJ, USAF North Vietnam 12/22/1972 10/09/1980 B52D
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

Benson, Lee D LTJG, Navy North Vietnam 03/17/1968 03/17/1968 S2E
 Status: Killed in action, body not recovered POW Network Bio

Benton, Gregory R SSG, USMC South Vietnam 05/23/1969 06/30/1978 GROUND
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

Bernhardt, Robert E 1LT, USAF Laos 02/05/1973 02/05/1973 02/09/1973 02/13/1973 EC47Q
 Status: Remains returned/remains recovered POW Network Bio

Bessor, Bruce C CPT, Army Laos 05/13/1969 11/10/1976 O1G
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

Bibbs, Wayne PFC, Army South Vietnam 06/11/1972 06/11/1972 OH6A
 Status: Killed in action, body not recovered POW Network Bio

Bidwell, Barry A ADJ2, Navy North Vietnam 06/18/1971 06/18/1971 EKA3B
 Status: Killed in action, body not recovered POW Network Bio

Bifolchi, Charles L MAJ, USAF South Vietnam 01/08/1968 05/03/1978 04/08/1993 04/18/2006 RF4C
 Status: Remains returned/remains recovered POW Network Bio

Birchim, James D CPT, Army South Vietnam 11/15/1968 05/10/1971 GROUND
 Status: Killed in action, body not recovered POW Network Bio

Bird, Leonard A 1LT, USMC South Vietnam 07/13/1968 07/13/1968 F4B
 Status: Killed in action, body not recovered POW Network Bio

Blackwood, Gordon B LTC, USAF North Vietnam 05/27/1967 11/29/1976 04/27/1989 11/17/1989 F105
 Status: Remains returned/remains recovered POW Network Bio

Blassie, Michael J 1LT, USAF South Vietnam 05/11/1972 05/11/1972 11/02/1972 07/08/1998 A37
 Status: Remains returned/remains recovered POW Network Bio

Blevins, Lural L SP4, Army South Vietnam 08/16/1968 08/16/1968 06/10/1969 11/03/1975 GROUND
 Status: Remains returned/remains recovered POW Network Bio

Bobe, Raymond E SFC, Army South Vietnam 03/16/1969 11/06/1978 04/07/1988 04/05/2005 U21
 Status: Remains returned/remains recovered POW Network Bio

Bodahl, Jon K MAJ, USAF Laos 11/12/1969 05/30/1974 F4E
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

Bodden, Timothy R MSG, USMC Laos 06/03/1967 02/26/1980 02/16/1999 08/14/2000 CH46A
 Status: Remains returned/remains recovered POW Network Bio

Bodenschatz, John E SSG, USMC South Vietnam 08/28/1966 01/21/1975 GROUND
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

Bogard, Lonnie P MAJ, USAF Laos 05/12/1972 07/26/1978 F4D
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

Boggs, Paschal G MAJ, USMC North Vietnam 08/27/1967 08/27/1967 A6A
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

Bohlscheid, Curtis R CPT, USMC South Vietnam 06/11/1967 06/11/1967 CH46A
 Status: Killed in action, body not recovered POW Network Bio

Bois-Claire, Ronald A ADJ2, Navy North Vietnam 08/25/1967 08/25/1967 RA3B
 Status: Killed in action, body not recovered POW Network Bio

Bolte, Wayne L COL, USAF South Vietnam 04/02/1972 07/20/1978 EB66
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

Boltze, Bruce E CWO, USMC South Vietnam 10/06/1972 10/06/1972 OV10A
 Status: Killed in action, body not recovered POW Network Bio

Borah, Daniel V LT, Navy South Vietnam 09/24/1972 07/26/1977 06/10/1996 04/18/1997 A7B
 Status: Remains returned/remains recovered POW Network Bio

Borden, Murray L MAJ, USAF North Vietnam 10/13/1966 10/13/1966 F4C
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

Borja, Domingo R SFC, Army Laos 02/21/1967 02/21/1967 GROUND
 Status: Killed in action, body not recovered POW Network Bio

Borton, Robert C SGT, USMC South Vietnam 08/28/1966 08/24/1977 02/08/1993 03/29/1995 GROUND
 Status: Remains returned/remains recovered POW Network Bio

Bosiljevac, Michael J MAJ, USAF North Vietnam 09/29/1972 10/03/1972 09/24/1987 02/03/1988 F105G
 Status: Died in captivity, remains returned POW Network Bio

Bossman, Peter R HM3, Navy South Vietnam 09/25/1966 09/25/1966 UH34D
 Status: Killed in action, body not recovered POW Network Bio

Bott, Russell P MSG, Army Laos 12/02/1966 11/17/1978 GROUND
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

Bouchard, Michael L LCDR, Navy Laos 12/20/1968 11/26/1973 A6A
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

Bowman, Frank QM2, Navy South Vietnam 06/16/1968 06/16/1968 BOAT
 Status: Killed in action, body not recovered POW Network Bio

Boyanowski, John G LTC, Army South Vietnam 12/14/1971 12/14/1971 U21A
 Status: Killed in action, body not recovered POW Network Bio

Boyer, Alan L SFC, Army Laos 03/28/1968 01/08/1979 GROUND
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

Bram, Richard C 1SG, USMC South Vietnam 07/08/1965 01/21/1975 GROUND
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

Brand, Joseph W COL, USAF North Vietnam 08/17/1966 05/31/1977 09/30/1977 10/25/1977 F105F
 Status: Remains returned/remains recovered POW Network Bio

Brauner, Henry P LTC, USAF Laos 03/29/1972 07/25/1978 AC130A
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

Breeding, Michael H 1LT, USMC South Vietnam 02/12/1970 02/12/1970 F4B
 Status: Killed in action, body not recovered POW Network Bio

Brennan, Herbert O COL, USAF North Vietnam 11/26/1967 10/18/1974 F4C
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

Brice, Eric P LT, Navy North Vietnam 06/04/1968 06/04/1968 F4J
 Status: Killed in action, body not recovered POW Network Bio

Bridges, Phillip W SP4, Army South Vietnam 06/30/1971 06/30/1971 GROUND
 Status: Killed in action, body not recovered POW Network Bio

Briggs, Ernest F SFC, Army Laos 01/05/1968 04/03/1978 UH1D
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

Briggs, Ronald D CPT, Army South Vietnam 02/06/1969 08/20/1974 08/27/1996 10/12/2000 UH1H
 Status: Remains returned/remains recovered POW Network Bio

Brooks, John H SSG, Army South Vietnam 05/13/1969 02/11/1974 UH1H
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

Brooks, Nicholas G LCDR, Navy Laos 01/02/1970 01/02/1970 02/03/1982 03/04/1982 A6A
 Status: Remains returned/remains recovered POW Network Bio

Brooks, William L COL, USAF Laos 04/22/1970 05/22/1979 11/15/1993 09/01/1995 AC130A
 Status: Remains returned/remains recovered POW Network Bio

Brown, Donald A MAJ, USAF Laos 07/30/1970 10/17/1973 RF4C
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

Brown, Donald H LTJG, Navy North Vietnam 08/12/1965 08/12/1965 08/14/1985 10/24/1985 A4E
 Status: Remains returned/remains recovered POW Network Bio

Brown, Frank M LT, Navy North Vietnam 09/19/1966 09/19/1966 F4B
 Status: Killed in action, body not recovered POW Network Bio

Brown, Harry W SSG, Army South Vietnam 02/12/1968 06/24/1975 UH1H
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

Brown, James A SP4, Army South Vietnam 08/12/1970 08/12/1970 WATER
 Status: Killed in action, body not recovered POW Network Bio

Brown, Thomas E LTJG, Navy North Vietnam 04/29/1966 04/29/1966 F8E
 Status: Killed in action, body not recovered POW Network Bio

Brown, Wilbur R MAJ, USAF South Vietnam 02/03/1966 05/30/1974 C123B
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

Brown, William T SFC, Army Laos 11/03/1969 01/08/1979 GROUND
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

Brucher, John M MAJ, USAF North Vietnam 02/18/1969 01/07/1974 F105D
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

Brunson, Jack W CWO, Army Laos 05/31/1971 05/31/1971 02/14/1995 03/04/2004 OV1A
 Status: Remains returned/remains recovered POW Network Bio

Buck, Arthur C LTJG, Navy Laos 01/11/1968 01/11/1968 07/10/2001 05/20/2003 OP2E
 Status: Remains returned/remains recovered POW Network Bio

Buell, Kenneth R LCDR, Navy North Vietnam 09/17/1972 03/23/1978 A6A
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

Bundy, Norman L LTJG, Navy North Vietnam 09/06/1966 09/06/1966 RF8G
 Status: Killed in action, body not recovered POW Network Bio

Burke, Michael J SSG, USMC South Vietnam 10/19/1966 07/30/1974 GROUND
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

Burnett, Sheldon J COL, Army Laos 03/07/1971 05/29/1979 10/04/2004 12/09/2004 OH58A
 Status: Remains returned/remains recovered POW Network Bio

Burns, Frederick J SGT, USMC South Vietnam 12/25/1967 01/02/1969 10/04/1994 04/13/1995 GROUND
 Status: Died in captivity, remains returned POW Network Bio

Burns, John R CPT, USAF Laos 08/04/1966 08/04/1966 04/05/1992 02/05/1993 A1E
 Status: Remains returned/remains recovered POW Network Bio

Burns, Michael P SFC, Army Laos 07/31/1969 10/27/1978 GROUND
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

Busch, Jon T CPT, USAF North Vietnam 06/08/1967 11/02/1973 07/13/1988 10/14/1988 F4C
 Status: Remains returned/remains recovered POW Network Bio

Bush, John R CPT, USAF North Vietnam 07/24/1968 07/09/1973 F4D
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

Butler, James E CWO, Army South Vietnam 03/20/1970 07/17/1978 04/27/1989 09/04/1997 O1G
 Status: Remains returned/remains recovered POW Network Bio

Bynum, Neil S CPT, USAF Laos 10/26/1969 05/13/1976 F4D
 Status: Presumptive finding of death POW Network Bio

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Last updated 07/18/2007