Kreg Arthur Viestenz
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Eugene, Oregon
March 09, 1949 to September 18, 1968
KREG A VIESTENZ is on the Wall at Panel W43, Line 31
See the full profile or name rubbing for Kreg Viestenz

Kreg A Viestenz
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Kreg A Viestenz


12 Feb 2004

Honoring our classmates.

South Eugene High School, Eugene, Oregon will have a Vietnam Memorial dedication Saturday, May 28, 2005 at 2 PM in remembrance of our classmates

* LtCol William R. Andrews, 433rd TFS (09/06/1974)
* LCpl William A. Beckwith, 3rd Bn, 4th Marines (07/04/1968)
* SGT James W. Cartwright, C Co, 3rd Bn, 12th Infantry (05/23/1967)
* Cpl Robert K. Collins, C Btry, 1st Bn, 12th Marines (12/08/1965)
* SP4 Arthur A. Erwin, A Co, 4th Bn, 503rd Infantry (07/10/1967)
* SGT Carlton C. Gray, C Co, 158th AHB (05/18/1970)
* PFC Carl F. Louvring, E Trp, 17th Cavalry (05/13/1967)
* LCpl Dennis E. Mickelson, A Co, 3rd Recon Bn (12/28/1968) (Silver Star)
* PFC William G. Muir, B Co, 3rd Bn, 8th Infantry (11/11/1967)
* PFC Kreg A. Viestenz, C Co, 1st Bn, 5th Cavalry (09/18/1968) (Bronze Star)

Additional information on these men is available in the Eugene, Oregon, Register-Guard article republished here.

For information pertaining to this event contact

Placed by a high school contemporary,
Bruce D. Dyer - Class Of "66"
Vietnam 69-70

11 Dec 2006

Kreg Arthur Viestenz PFC

He died September 18, 1968 in the Quang Tri Province during a search and clear mission. His unit became heavily engaged with a large enemy force. His platoon leader was wounded. He exposed himself to intense hostile enemy fire as he crossed an open area to aid his fallen comrade. While he was administering first aid he was mortally wounded. He died a Hero.

I was named after him 38 years ago.

Kreg Watkins


A Note from The Virtual Wall

C Company, 1/5th Cavalry, lost four men on 18 Sep 1968:
  • 1LT Joseph S. Bravin, New York, NY;
  • PFC Robert E. Gray, Corbin, KY;
  • PFC James R. McCoy, Travelers Rest, SC; and
  • PFC Kreg A. Viestenz, Eugene, OR (Bronze Star "V").

Enemy Fire Kills Soldier From Eugene - Army Pfc. Kreg A. Viestenz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Viestenz, 3055 Charnelton St., Eugene, has been killed in action in Vietnam.

The 20-year-old soldier died last Wednesday from enemy fire, his family has learned. Additional details were not available.

Viestenz had been in Vietnam only a month. He was with Company C, First Battalion, Fifth cavalry of the First Air Cavalry Division.

Born in Ft. Lewis WA, he had lived in Eugene since 1958. A 1967 graduate of South Eugene High School, he attended the University of Oregon for two terms before enlisting in January.

Viestenz's parents have three other sons, Kirk, 24, with the U.S. Navy in Connecticut, and Kerry, 16, and Kirby, 15, both at home.

Funeral arrangements are pending at England Funeral Home in Eugene. Viestenz was the 41st Emerald Empire man to die in the Vietnam War. The Defense department also announced Monday the death in action of Marine Pfc. James Hoyez, son of Patricia Peacock of Albany.

(Eugene Register-Guard, Eugene OR, 24 Sep 68)

Courtesy of
Darilee Bednar

Faces from the Wall

Pfc James K. Hoyez, mentioned in the article above, was one of eight men from 3rd Bn, 5th Marines, killed in an action near An Hoa on 11 Sep 1968.

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