William Richard Andrews
Lieutenant Colonel
United States Air Force
Eugene, Oregon
June 09, 1937 to September 06, 1974
(Incident Date October 05, 1966)
WILLIAM R ANDREWS is on the Wall at Panel 11E, Line 48
See the full profile or name rubbing for William Andrews

William R Andrews
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12 Feb 2004

Honoring our classmates.

South Eugene High School, Eugene, Oregon will have a Vietnam Memorial dedication Saturday, May 28, 2005 at 2 PM in remembrance of our classmates

* LtCol William R. Andrews, 433rd TFS (09/06/1974)
* LCpl William A. Beckwith, 3rd Bn, 4th Marines (07/04/1968)
* SGT James W. Cartwright, C Co, 3rd Bn, 12th Infantry (05/23/1967)
* Cpl Robert K. Collins, C Btry, 1st Bn, 12th Marines (12/08/1965)
* SP4 Arthur A. Erwin, A Co, 4th Bn, 503rd Infantry (07/10/1967)
* SGT Carlton C. Gray, C Co, 158th AHB (05/18/1970)
* PFC Carl F. Louvring, E Trp, 17th Cavalry (05/13/1967)
* LCpl Dennis E. Mickelson, A Co, 3rd Recon Bn (12/28/1968) (Silver Star)
* PFC William G. Muir, B Co, 3rd Bn, 8th Infantry (11/11/1967)
* PFC Kreg A. Viestenz, C Co, 1st Bn, 5th Cavalry (09/18/1968)

Additional information on these men is available in the Eugene, Oregon, Register-Guard article republished here.

For information pertaining to this event contact


Notes from The Virtual Wall

On 5 October 1966 four F-4C Phantoms launched from Ubon RTAFB as escorts for two RB-66 electronic warfare aircraft which, in their turn, were supporting a strike on a bridge some 45 miles southwest of Yen Bai, North Vietnam.

While orbiting at 30,000 feet in the target area the support package received a MiG warning and at about the same time the Phantom flight lead realized that his #3 aircraft was missing. The #3 aircraft, F-4C tail number 64-0702, was being flown by 1st Lt E. W. Garland and Capt William R. Andrews. Shortly thereafter voice communications were established with Garland and Andrews, who had ejected from their F-4 after it was struck by an Atoll missile fired by a MiG-21.

Before search-and-rescue aircraft reached the scene Captain Andrews reported that he had been wounded and was losing consciousness. The 38th ARRS, Det 5, responded with two HH-3E helicopters escorted by A-1 Skyraiders. The first helicopter on-scene, HH-3E tail number 65-12785, was heavily hit by ground fire and was forced to withdraw with one wounded crewmember. The second helicopter, HH-3E tail number 65-12778, also was heavily hit, with two crewmembers wounded, but succeeded in picking up 1st Lt Garland before withdrawing (this aircraft was shot down on 20 Oct 1966 during another SAR effort). No trace of Captain Andrews was found.

Andrews was classed as Missing in Action and was twice promoted while in that status. When the POWs were repatriated in 1973 Andrews was not among them, nor did any of the POWs have knowledge of him. The Secretary of the Air Force approved a Presumptive Finding of Death for Lt Col Andrews on 24 Sep 1974, changing his status to Died while Missing/Body not Recovered.

On 13 Sep 1990 the Vietnamese turned over human remains that were publicly identified on 11 Dec 1990 as those of William R. Andrews. He was buried with full military honors in Phoenix, Arizona, on 14 February 1991.

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