Robert George Solomon
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Rahway, New Jersey
August 08, 1949 to August 19, 1969
ROBERT G SOLOMON is on the Wall at Panel W19, Line 74
See the full profile or name rubbing for Robert Solomon

Robert G Solomon
usarv.gif ADIV-1STCAVDIV.png 8thcavalry.gif

24 Jan 2002

Bobby and I were in high school together, we were in the same science class. What I remember most about Bobby is his personality, he had a great laugh. All the girls were ga-ga over him, myself included.

We have lost so many men from Rahway - Jack Barnhart (my brother), Myron Ross (my friend). So many just vanished, and can somebody tell me why? What was it all for? was it all in vain? I hope not!

When will mankind wake up? We still have the means for destruction.

Will I see tomorrow,
Will I see the sun set?
Will my children and my children's children ever see tomorrow?
When will wars end?
Will they ever end?
Will mankind finally wake up?!
That remains to be seen.
When are we as a people going to say "no more war"?
Will I see tonight's sunset?

I hope so - mankind has to learn that the earth is choking on her peoples' blood. The earth is crying out "No more, no more". Thank you to all that gave their lives so I can see the sun set. Rest in peace, Bobby.

Until I see you again,
Love, Judy

A memorial initiated by a friend,
Judy Cook
164 Jordan Rd Colonia NJ

24 Jun 2003

Hi, my brother - I miss you so very much. I live in Las Vegas now. I lost my husband Ronnie -
you never got to know him -
and I am remarried to a wonderful man.
You would like him a lot.
I have 3 children -
a boy named Robert after you
and two girls, Kimberly and Susanne.
Our mom and dad are with you now -
say "Hi" for me.

Your baby sister,

From his sister,
Linda Mae Kelly

28 Apr 2005

Hi Bobby, just wanted you to kow that you are a new uncle of six - my son Robert has two boys, Ryan 7 and Justin 5, Kimberly has three - she had triplets on January 17, 2005 (Bradley, Hannha, and Emily), and Susanne had a little boy on November 19, 2004, Carter Ronald. Just want you to watch over them for me, and tell Mom and Dad. Love you, brother, and miss you so much.

One other thing - a street in Rahway, New Jersey, is going to be named for you.

From his sister,
Linda Mae (Solomon) Kelly


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The following extracts come for the 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Operations Log and the MACV Summary for 19 August 1969; they address the same night attack on the Quan Loi Base Camp:

The nine American soldiers who died in the attack were:

  • 81st Quartermaster Platoon, 29th GS Group
    • SGT William J. Dawson, Redwood City, CA
    • SP4 Reginald W. Burris, Ellendale, DE
    • SP4 Jimmie Miller, Chicago, IL
    • PFC Gaspar Cruz-Lebron, San Juan, PR

  • 576th Ord Co, 3rd Ord Bn, 29th GS Group
    • PFC Paul A. Sparks, Houston, TX

  • 1st Bn, 8th Cavalry
    • SP4 Raymond J. Ashnault, Cranford, NJ, A Company
    • SP4 John A. Kolwyck, Darden, TN, HQ Company
    • SP4 Robert G. Solomon, Rahway, NJ, C Company (Silver Star)
    • PVT Joseph P. Mobus, Harrison, NJ, HQ Company
Although SP4 Solomon's entry on the New Jersey Vietnam Veterans' Memorial states that he received the Silver Star, The Virtual Wall has not been able to locate a copy of the Citation. He is buried in Saint Gertrudeï¿ 1/2 s Cemetery, Inman Avenue, Colonia, NJ.

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