Jack Adrian Barnhart
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Rahway, New Jersey
March 23, 1948 to August 27, 1968
JACK A BARNHART is on the Wall at Panel W46, Line 37
See the full profile or name rubbing for Jack Barnhart

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Jack A Barnhart
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24 Jan 2002

I'm going to tell you a story. It is about a boy in all his glory. He had a life to live and was so full of laughter and a smile that would light up a room. Jack loved playing music. He had this dream of becoming a singer. Another dream was to get married to his high school sweetheart, Barb, and yes having children. Yet that all eventually changed!

I'll never forget the day that a knock on the door came. I had opened it and standing there were two tall Marines. They asked to see my parents and I knew something was wrong. I called my Mom and Dad to the door and then saw the look of horror that was on my Mom's face. She started crying really hard. They had said to her, "Mrs. Barnhart, I am sorry to inform you that your son was killed." "Oh my God! Oh my God!" was the only sound I could hear. "Not my baby", my mother had said. "Not my baby!" The week before his body came home was hell! pure hell. I remember sitting in my room crying because of shock I guess. I realized I would never get to see his face ever again. I hated that damn war and I hated the people who killed him. I hated our goverment! I hated everything about Vietnam.

All I wanted was to have my brother back. I wanted to look across the breakfast table and see his handsome face again. I wanted to scream "God give him back to us".

I know now it wasn't the people or my goverment that I hated! It was war! When are we going learn to live in peace? When will it end? My wish for mankind is to lay down your guns and your hatred. Learn to help instead of kill. Learn to love one another. One thing I know for sure is that Jack did not give up on mankind, mankind gave up on him. My love goes to you, my brother. May you rest in peace until I see you again.

Your loving sister, Judy

09 Dec 2002

Hello brother,

Not much has changed down here, we still have wars. People still hating each other for skin color, religion. You name it. You'd think people would have changed a little.

We are being attacked in our own country now, I hope you closed your eyes to horror on 9-11.

Jack, ask GOD to put an end to this bloodshed ... we need help down here ... It has become a Vietnam all over again ... Mankind has lost it.

I hope your death was not in vain ... We need an army of angels to help this sick world out now..

Vietnam might be far from peoples' minds now, they forget the horror that you men went through ... the wars, the guns, the hate, it's still going on. The word mankind! man kind hummmmm man kind! man is not kind ... man sees only money, power, killing, hate, and wars. Mankind is only a dream of things that use to be...

I love you Jack, I'll write more tomorrow ... "if we have a tomorrow"

Love, Judy

23 Mar 2005

Happy Birthday...

I still wonder what your life would be like if you have lived.
You could have become President of United States.
You could have figured out a way to end all wars.

I miss you so much!

I see you have more friends writing to you now. I guess they need a place to come and just talk to you, I know I do.

The memorial is like a healing wall, it's like this is God's post office, anything people write on this wall will somehow get to you ... Somehow I hope it's true, I love and miss you with all my heart.

Your sister, Judy

19 Jul 2005

As Jesus said in Matthew 10:28: At worst, evil people "can only kill your body; they cannot touch your soul... in loving memory of my brother PFC Jack A Barnhart. 1948-1968 vietnam..

My Dear brother Jack,
Your heart no longer beats, your lungs no longer breath freedom, your eyes are blinded by death, your body echos the sound of silence. The Vietnam war might have silenced you, my dear brother, but your memory still lives on. I want people to cry with me, feel the pain in my soul and in my heart. I want them to always remember what all of you men have gone through, Hell pure Hell ... "BUT I GUESS THAT'S WAR"

Because of all the men who have served, I get to live in freedom and see my children and grandchildren grow. I know one day I will see them go off to war just like the generations before them, stand strong my Children, stand tall for the freedom, fight for your right to live in peace, fight so our "FREEDOM" will not be silenced by anyone.

In loving memory
your Sister Judy Cook

07 Feb 2008

still missing your smile,
your voice.
Just letting you know
I still think of you often.
You are still missed

From his sister,
Judy Cook
Email address not available.

05 Aug 2002

To my dear brother Jackie...

I miss you so much. You left on my birthday to go to that horrible place. We didn't know that we would never again see your face. You were very special to me, I'll never ever forget you.

I love you, big brother...

From his sister,
Francine Lambert

2 Feb 2005

Hey Jack, it's me - Francine, your baby sis... Well I think about you a lot anymore, since I am older I think back to the stupid things I said or did to you while I was a kid. I wish I could take back all the rotten things I ever said to you, but hey, I was a kid... As the years go by, mom was taken away from us, then Joe, and the hurt starts to heal and then Daddy goes, man it is getting lonely here. Well of course two years later it was Charlyene's turn to go see all of our family. Well just me and Judy left here on this earth now. We miss all of you so much, we have days we sit and cry over all of you going before us. Then we have our good days, our good memories of all of us together. Why did they do that to you?! You were so young. I never really had time with any of you. Judy is all I have now, and I don't want to leave her. Yes, I live with her now. My life got sort'a screwed up over the years ... but I had three sons to come from that marriage and 3 beautiful grandbabies now. Yup, I am getting old!

From his sister,
Francine Lambert

28 May 2003

Written For Our Cousin

Your life on earth wasn't very long -
at the age of 20 you were gone
to Vietnam, courageous and brave,
hoping our country he'd help to save.
He gave his life for you and me,
serving his country to keep us free.
It hurt this family to say good-bye,
so full of life before you died.
Your goal on earth you never got,
"House of the Rising Sun", you played a lot.
We remember you played it so very well
and your dreams of records, someday you'd sell,
and we're so sorry you had to go.
Now a band in Heaven you have we know,
with all the angels you perform your shows.
Up in Heaven, you're happy we know,
your music now rings out through Heaven's gates
to welcome all loved ones that had to wait.
With angels and God by your side,
He no longer wants us here to cry.
He loved us all with all his heart
and we know he's sorry he had to part.
"So weep no more" to loved ones we say,
for I know for sure, we'll meet him someday.

With all our love, cousins
Mary Taylor,
Penny Jones,
Frankie Jones
Delena Hendrickson

posted by
Mary Taylor & Penny Jones
Indianapolis Ind 46241

23 Feb 2004

Dear Jackie
I never knew you - I was only eight years old when you died.

I feel like I've known you all my life. Your death and your short life before left a big impression on me and my life. I know heaven's a better place because you're there.

I LOVE YOU!!! Play on
See you again someday...

Your cousin,
Adrienna Hunt

28 Jan 2005


Remember me, it's Lou. I was the one that was shot on the helicopter and went with you and Doc Steve. I don't know what made me crawl away from that bush but when I did all hell broke loose from friendly fire. I think about you every day and I think how loving your mom and dad were to me when I visited them upon my return to the states. Someday Jack we'll be together and we can swap war stories, till then God Bless.

From a friend who was with Jack when he died,
Lou Marasco
6811 10th Street North, St. Petersburg, Fl. 33702

04 Oct 2005

God, whose law it is that he who learns must suffer.
And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop
upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will,
comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.
(often quoted by RFK)

From a visitor,
Arend Kistemaker

20 Jul 2007

Great Uncle Jack!

I never got the pleasure of meeting you but from pictures and my grandmother's stories of how awesome and such a great brother you were I feel like I have known you. It is tragic what happened to you. I love you and know you were missed dearly and still are. Your life goes on in heaven with our dear Lord God.

Your great-niece Amber
E-mail address is not available.

29 Jul 2007

To my cuz, although I didn't know you that well I love and miss you. Someday I will get to know you better when I cross over to the other side! Love you, Cuz!! Linda

Linda Temple


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Echo 2/9 Marines lost two men killed in action on 27 August 1968 -
  • LCpl Michael J. Derrig, Chicago, IL, and
  • Pfc Jack A. Barnhart, Rahway, NJ

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