Robert Duval Owen
Sergeant First Class
Army of the United States
Chatham, Virginia
December 21, 1938 to November 15, 1973
(Incident Date May 23, 1968)
ROBERT D OWEN is on the Wall at Panel 67E, Line 1
See the full profile or name rubbing for Robert Owen


30 Oct 2003

I am a friend of Robert's daughter Robin. We went to Elementary School together and recently rekindled our friendship after over 30 years. I feel very fortunate to have found Robin again and to have met her son Lane, named for Glen Lane who is also Missing in Action from Reconnaissance Team Idaho. I think of her often, and her family. I just wanted to say thank you in some small way to Robert Owen and all the brave men of MACV-SOG.

From a friend of his daughter.
E-mail address is not available.

21 Feb 2005

Thank you Jim for your thoughts and caring for me and my family. I am so thankful for my freedom and the ability to live and enjoy my friends, and religion, and so many things that are considered free, but held such a huge price. Freedom certainly is not free.

For anyone wanting any information on my father Robert Duval Owen, please feel free to contact me. It's always a pleasure to share about my father. God bless and keep you.

From his eldest daughter,
Robin Owen Goodman
2149 Van Buren Street, Wilmington, NC 28401

28 Mar 2005

My name is Carmen Beard and I recently learned of a bracelet, to be worn for POW/MIA servicemen, from my brother. I am 40 years old and although I was a small child during Vietnam, I have always had a special place in my heart for all who served in Vietnam, I would first like to say to ALL those who served that I am so proud and thankful for everything that YOU did for me, while I played outside YOU protected me, while I went to school, YOU went to war, while I slept, YOU lay awake in unspeakable conditions waiting to fight, and while I grew up, YOU grew tired and lonely for home. I would like to take this time to say to ALL of YOU, THANK YOU, and GOD BLESS EVERY ONE OF YOU. And, though I was too young then and am several decades late saying it now, WELCOME HOME, GOD BLESS YOU, AND THANK YOU ALL ... I LOVE each one of YOU. To those that didn't come home, YOU paid the ultimate price and I personally will NEVER forget. I could never express the deep felt sorrow I feel for each of YOU and YOUR families.

Carmen LaRae Beard

04 Dec 2005

I just returned from my tour as a Cav Scout in Iraq. When the Vietnam Vets welcomed us home I reminded myself to buy one of the bracelets for men KIA/MIA from wars past. I bought SFC Owen's bracelet and proceeded to look his name up. If for no other reason than to remember as long as I have this on, there are men who did not get the welcome home that I got and they deserved. They are not forgotten and their sacrifices great, they live in our hearts forever.

E-mail address is not available.

07 Dec 2005

This website is great! Robert is my uncle and my hero.
I recently read the book SOG by John Plaster.
The book has Robert and Glen in it.
I learned a lot about the SOG and their missions.

GOD Bless

From his nephew,
Claude F. Owen Jr
208 Eagle Creek Road, Moyock, NC 27958

17 Dec 2005

Hello. I am a medic also deploying to Iraq who got a bracelet with Robert's name on it. It is my silent reminder that I will not leave anyone behind like Rob or Glen. Thanks to everyone who made this site happen. We must never forget our brothers in arms who didn't come home with the rest of us. Thank you.

Jeff Simmons

26 Feb 2006

I am of no relation to Robert D. Owen ... yet he has become an important part of my life.

You see... for over 2 years now, I have been wearing a MIA POW bracelet bearing Mr. Owen's name.

I am frequently asked about my bracelet... and I tell people what it is and why I wear it. Why it's important to me... and how I am so grateful for all who sacrificed for us.

I may have a bad day, for whatever reason, and then will feel my bracelet and realize that I am grateful to be in a place where I can complain with the freedom to do so. My children know of Mr. Owen. Knowing about him, helps them to make a connection to our war heroes... whereas it would be difficult for them to understand otherwise.

And I always remind them... of how many others have lost their lives for us to live as we do.

I will always wear my bracelet. God Bless Robert D. Owen and all others who have gone before and after him. We love and appreciate you all.

Janice Ridlon

13 Jun 2006

I too like many others was very young when these brave men and women went to answer our country's call. I remember though the sadness and often overlooked families in my neighborhood as they received news of the death of their (our) loved ones, but the continued grief of not knowing seems worse. I support a local MIA/POW group in Pocatello Idaho, consisting mostly of Vietnam Vets, but many others from wars including Irag and Afganistan. That's where I learned of SFC Owen because I too continue to wear his bracelet. Another of your writers said best what I feel ... When having a bad day or going through difficult circumstances I can look at or feel the metal and get a reality check that in turn makes me feel grateful. To his family I want to say "Thank YOU for your sacrifice". I also remember you as well.

George R. Breshears

31 Oct 2006

My name is Tim Kirk. I was a member of MACV-SOG and a member of RT Idaho. In January of 1968, I was taken from FOB#1 and RT Idaho to reinforce the SOG camp at Khe Sanh. Subsequently, I was involved in the rescue of A-101, the Special Forces team that was overrun at Lang Vei on 7 February, 1968. Had it not been for our daring rescue, no one at that camp would have survived.

Although I am proud to have been a member of that rescue force, my heart was broken when Glen and Robert disappeared that day. We had horrendous losses that occurred in FOB#1 in late 1967 and early 1968. As a veteran of the Korean War, Glen Lane was a mentor to me and many others. He will always be a hero of mine.

I recently returned from the Special Operations Association reunion. Each year I am reminded by myself and others of the sacrifices that Glen and the men of SOG made for our country.

My heart continues to go out to his family, and Robert Owen's family. I don't know why I made it. I only know that I cherish life each day with my family and I know they would want that.

Tim Kirk
1222 Main St, Elk River, Mn 55330

12 May 2007

I have a few special attachments to the bracelet that I now wear that memorializes Robert Owen. I was a veteran in the first Iraq War. I have just recently lost my father, Sgt James Emerson USMC, to multiple myleoma which was attributed to his exposure to Agent Orange during 1967-1969 in Vietnam. I am a graduate of Hargrave Military Academy in Chatham, Va, and remember the stories told at HMA about all of the town hero's in Chatham, Va. Robert Owen also went missing the year that I was born. I will wear my bracelet with pride until the day he is returned home, and for all the service men in Iraq now.

James W. Emerson Jr
Danville, Va.

27 May 2007

My name is David Petrie (US Army '77-'83) and have worn SFC Owen's bracelet for 14 years. It never comes off. Robin, you're right, you will be re-united with your dad someday. I can't wait to meet him too...

In his honor,
Sp4 David Petrie (MOS 15D)
6514-66th Drive N E, Marysville, Wa 98270

17 Jun 2007

I just wanted to pass on that I too have a bracelet with Robert's name on it. I am currently in the National Guard in my hometown. I was in the first Gulf War and I wear his bracelet as a reminder to myself what it means to have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

Douglas Weigel

14 Jul 2007

I never knew SFC Owen. I served in Afghanistan 3 years ago and upon my arrival home my friend's father (who told me he knew SFC Owen) gave me the MIA bracelet. I still wear it today, every day, everywhere I go.

Spc J. T. Long
Stillwater, Ok.


Notes from The Virtual Wall

Recon Team Idaho, consisting of team leader Sergeant First Class Glen O. Lane , Staff Sergeant Robert D. Owen, and four Nung troops, was inserted by helicopter into Laos west of the SVN town of A Loui. At 10:24 on the morning of the insertion the team made a single radio call to their supporting Forward Air Controller.

When no further contact could be made with RT Idaho, a 12-man response force (Recon Team Oregon) was inserted into the same landing zone. The search team found and followed a recently-made trail from the LZ and came upon what seemed to be the site of a firefight, although no bodies were seen. Before a thorough search could be conducted, Oregon came under attack by a company-sized NVA force and began a fighting retreat back toward the landing zone. Although Oregon had one member killed and most others were wounded, the survivors were successfully extracted. However, the area was judged too "hot" to continue ground searches for RT Idaho and Idaho's six men were classed as Missing in Action.

The two US servicemen were held in MIA status until the Secretary of the Army approved Presumptive Findings of death, Master Sergeant Lane on 03 Jun 1974 and SFC Owen on 15 Nov 1973. Their remains have not been repatriated.

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