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Glen Oliver Lane
Master Sergeant
RT IDAHO, CCN, MACV-SOG, 5TH SF GROUP, USARV Army of the United States Odessa, Texas July 24, 1931 to June 03, 1974 (Incident Date May 23, 1968) GLEN O LANE is on the Wall at Panel 66E, Line 10 See the full profile or name rubbing for Glen Lane |
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I never had the honor of meeting Glen Lane. However, his cousin is a very dear friend of mine. So, in honor of Carolyn Brooks and all of Glen's family who miss him so, I leave this memorial for Glen. He will always be loved and will never be forgotten!
Joann Richards |
My name is Robin Owen Goodman, my father was Glen Oliver Lane's team mate, Robert Duval Owen . My father was to be on another team, but Glen's team had suffered so many losses they moved my father to his team. That was a common practice. My father always wanted a son, but instead has two daughters who love and miss him dearly. In honor of my father, his team mate Glen Oliver Lane, and my son's father Theodore Lane Sampley who was also in Special Forces I named my only son Owen Lane Sampley. He is known as Lane. His birthdate is 7-26-1992. My son has been very active in the MIA issue and you will generally find him each year at Rolling Thunder events in DC for Memorial Day. It has been very important to us to instill in him the cost of freedom. I know when we're all reunited in God's presence all these years apart will vanish and we'll truly be free at last!
From his teammate's daughter, |
To my uncle Glen - we have all missed you dearly.
From |
I don't know MSG Lane personally, but I have his POW/MIA bracelet. I did a little research and learned about him... I guess if his family would like to have this bracelet, then my email address is
ekocyrrehc@comcast.net I'm 17 now, and my mom had been telling me about how she had a POW/MIA bracelet, and I was intrigued, so I got one for myself... I guess it became more of a memorial than just something cool that people did in the 60's, and it became more personal having someone's family member and someone they loved on my bracelet. If you're interested, please email me, thank you!!
Abbey Gates |
Glen Oliver Lane was my Uncle. A loving father, uncle, and patriot. A true American Hero. Although his body was never recovered and we have no place to go to grieve, Glen will forever remain in our hearts. I have never given up hope on our MIAs either. Robin... if you need someone to talk to I will gladly share what I know to be true. Contact me at anngowdeybeck@yahoo.com or sturguess2001@hotmail.com May God let our paths cross someway, someday.
From his niece, |
Hello ... my name is Jason Cordaway. I am 27 years old and a Navy vet of 6.5 years. I am currently a cadet in the Army attached to an infantry unit out of Victoria, Texas, and in the ROTC program at UTSA. I just ordered and received a MSGT Glen Oliver Lane POW/MIA bracelet. I would just like all of MSGT Lane's family and friends to know that I feel it is a great honor to wear this bracelet and it will NEVER leave my wrist. I plan on becoming an infantry officer in the Army and I will share the heroic stories of Glen Lane and Robert Owens with my troops as a way of remembering those who have sacrificed for our freedoms as well as an inspiration to strive for excellence. I promise your loved one is not forgotten.
Jason Cordaway |
I've always been intrigued by Vietnam. I've read all of Tim O'Brien's books, and I'm currently reading "Hard Men Humble, Vietnam Veterans Who Couldn't Come Home", by Jonathan Stevenson. I recently ordered a stainless steel POW-MIA Bracelet from the U.S. Veteran Dispatch in Kinston, N.C. My bracelet came engraved with MSG Glen Oliver Lane who is MIA. I have been wearing my bracelet all the time since I received it a few days ago. I'm a teacher in elementary school, and I will share with any student who asks about my bracelet the story of Glen Lane and of the Vietnam War. A whole new generation of children will help assure that we will never forget about MSG Lane or the Vietnam War. They will all know that he is a real American Hero, and I will teach them why we should be eternally grateful for all of the soldiers who served their country in Vietnam and all other wars and conflicts. Wearing this bracelet gives me a connection with the Vietnam Memorial, and I will proudly look for his name when I visit the Wall.
Richard A. Morris Jr. |
Glen Oliver Lane was my uncle. I have thought about him for years, never straying from my thoughts one time. A true hero he was, certainly in the eyes of many who loved him. It makes me feel so good to hear people talk so good about him. I will never forget the time he bought me a balloon at the circus and rubbed it on my head and stuck it to the ceiling, and picked me up to get it. I am 44 years of age as of today. After all these years I still remember. I will never forget Glen - ever...
From his nephew, |
My name is SSG Scott L. Martin, I also have a POW/MIA bracelet with "MSG Glen O Lane" on it. I never had the pleasure of meeting him but I have all the respect in the world for the man who did what his country asked of him. I thank him, and I almost never take the bracelet off. I am currently in the Utah National Guard and feel a great sense of pride knowing that he is not forgotten and never will be. "DE OPRESSA LIBER" I know he is standing guard somewhere, doing his duty.
From a brother in arms, |
My name is Tim Kirk. I was a member of MACV-SOG and a member of RT Idaho with Glen Lane. In January of 1968, I was taken from FOB#1 and RT Idaho to reinforce the SOG camp at Khe Sanh. Subsequently, I was involved in the rescue of A-101, the Special Forces team that was overrun at Lang Vei on 7 February, 1968. Had it not been for our daring rescue, no one at that camp would have survived. Although I am proud to have been a member of that rescue force, my heart was broken when Glen and Robert disappeared that day. We had horrendous losses that occurred in FOB#1 in late 1967 and early 1968. As a veteran of the Korean War, Glen Lane was a mentor to me and many others. He will always be a hero of mine. I recently returned from the Special Operations Association reunion. Each year I am reminded by myself and others of the sacrifices that Glen and the men of SOG made for our country. My heart continues to go out to his family, and Robert Owen's family. I don't know why I made it. I only know that I cherish life each day with my family and I know they would want that.
Tim Kirk |
Notes from The Virtual WallRecon Team Idaho, consisting of team leader Sergeant First Class Glen O. Lane, Staff Sergeant Robert D. Owen , and four Nung troops, was inserted by helicopter in Laos west of the SVN town of A Loui. At 10:24 on the morning of the insertion the team made a single radio call to their supporting Forward Air Controller.When no further contact could be made with RT Idaho, a 12-man response force (Recon Team Oregon) was inserted into the same landing zone. The search team found and followed a recently-made trail from the LZ and came upon what seemed to be the site of a firefight, although no bodies were seen. Before a thorough search could be conducted, Oregon came under attack by a company-sized NVA force and began a fighting retreat back toward the landing zone. Although Oregon had one member killed and most others were wounded, the survivors were successfully extracted. However, the area was judged too "hot" to continue ground searches for RT Idaho and Idaho's six men were classed as Missing in Action. The two US servicemen were held in MIA status until the Secretary of the Army approved Presumptive Findings of death, Master Sergeant Lane on 03 Jun 1974 and SFC Owen on 15 Nov 1973. Their remains have not been repatriated. |
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