Michael Nemeth
Private First Class
Army of the United States
South Amboy, New Jersey
November 14, 1944 to February 11, 1968
MICHAEL NEMETH is on the Wall at Panel 38E, Line 79
See the full profile or name rubbing for Michael Nemeth


11 Jun 2007

The sun rose on November 14, 1944 and set on February 11, 1968 when our Lord called Mike home. In wondering how and why the loss of Mike could have happened, we must focus on knowledge that everything happens for a reason. The loss of Mike, as tragic as it was/is is all part of God's perfect plan. We must have faith and know in our heart of hearts that Mike's death was not in vain and we will one day know the answer and it will make perfect sense.

On a personal note, Mike's death has taught me a lot. To have known Michael was/is to love him. His attributes, among many, include compassion, understanding and a forgiving nature. One could not help but feel comfortable in his presence. To say he epitomized what a man should be is clearly an understatement. I am blessed to have had the privilege of marrying Mike and being loved by him. I look forward with great expectation to the day we'll be together again.

From Michael's wife,
Elaine Nemeth


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 4th Infantry Division's Operational Report for Feb-Apr 1968 includes the following regarding C Company, 1/12 Infantry, on 10 and 11 Fenruary:
"10 February: At AR829956 Company C, 1st Battalion, 12th Infantry made contact with an unknown size enemy force, 4 US WIA, 1 US MIA.

"11 February: At AR825959 Company C, 1st Battalion, 12th Infantry received 11 rounds of 82mm mortar and small arms fire, one US KIA, 14 US WIA, 1 US MIA."

The two men "missing in action" were found to have been killed by enemy fire:

  • PFC Arthur Hines, Grantville, GA (10 Feb)
  • PFC Michael Nemeth, South Amboy, NJ (11 Feb)
  • PFC Irving C. Pierce, Bridgeton, NJ (11 Feb)

The New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial database contains the following entry for Michael Nemeth:

Michael Nemeth was born on November 14, 1944. His home of record is South Amboy, NJ. Michael attended Huffman High School (now South Amboy High School) in South Amboy, NJ.

Nemeth served in the US Army and attained the rank of Private First Class (PFC). He was attached to C Company, 1st Battalion, 12th Infantry, 4th Infantry Division.

Late in the afternoon of February 10, 1968, Michael's company, made contact with the NVA north of Kontum City. Twice they tried to maneuver against the enemy positions but were forced to withdraw due to the intense fire. On February 11, after another assault on their objective, they were airlifted to Dak To, taking with them three dead soldiers.

Nemeth was one of those soldiers killed in action on February 11, 1968.

The New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial has a separate panel for each calendar day of the year. The panel for 11 February is inscribed with the names of PFC Nemeth and PFC Pierce, as well as six others:

  • Edward K. Kissam, Captain USAF, 1st Air Commando Sqdn
  • George K. Beeres, SP4 US Army, B Co, 1st Bn, 5th Cavalry
  • Harold W. Kroske, 1LT US Army, 5th Special Forces Grp
  • Lawrence P. Walker, SP4 US Army, D Co, 2nd Bn, 47th Infantry
  • William L. Williams, CPL US Army, D Co, 1st Bn, 46th Infantry
  • Duane A. De Vega, SGT US Army, F Co (Rangers), 75th Infantry

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