Harold William Kroske, Jr
Army of the United States
Trenton, New Jersey
July 30, 1947 to January 08, 1979
(Incident Date February 11, 1969)
HAROLD W KROSKE Jr is on the Wall at Panel W32, Line 13
See the full profile or name rubbing for Harold Kroske


14 Nov 2002

May God keep you in his arms and watch over your family.
I pray for those that gave all, each and every day.

From one who wore his MIA bracelet,
Manuel Asevedo Jr

31 Jul 2005

1LT Kroske came to us from the Americal Division's 75th Rangers. He had about six months of recon operations experience with the Rangers/LRRP's when he volunteered for SOG.

Kroske was initially assigned to First Company, Det B-50, "Project Omega" as Executive Officer under 1LT Frank Lambert, who was the Commanding Officer. After one operation 1LT Kroske was assigned to recon.

Harold was quite a combat trooper, and; he had been on a number of operations into Cambodia prior to his demise. He was always calm, cool, and very deliberate on all recon operations. In fact, after any combat OP, he usually read a book and drank a coke, as opposed to going to the club and having a drink.

1LT Kroske was quite a soldier. He was fearless in combat, and he loved recon. He extended his tour and took his leave. Once back, he formed a new team from Nungs he got in Cholon/Saigon.

I am not writing to second guess anyone. I know Harold was a fine SF RT 10. The day before his fateful OP he gave me his beret to wear on R&R. The moment I stepped off the R&R plane at Cam Ranh Bay, our XO, Major Imes, told me Harold was missing in action. I wish I had the beret to give his family. I was shot several months later. I shall not forget 1LT Kroske.

From a fellow Omega and CCS Officer and friend.,
Jon C. Potter
Nashville, TN

03 Jul 2007

I joined the military in 1992
I went to Washington to visit "The Wall"
While there I bought an MIA/POW bracelet...
It was brass with the name of
"MAJ Harold W. Kroske"

I wore this bracelet every day
In 2001 I had the bracelet remade in silver
When it arrived in the mail
I removed the brass bracelet
replacing it with my new one
I wore it every day
I sit typing this...
with the bracelet still on my wrist!


Neptune, New Jersey


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 11 Feb 1969, then-1LT Harold Kroske was leading a Special Forces reconnaissance team (RT HAMMER) about 12 miles inside Cambodia west of Bu Dop. The team was engaged by an enemy force and Kroske was hit. He was unresponsive to calls from other team members, who were unable to reach his body due to heavy enemy fire. The remaining team members were able to disengage and withdraw without further casualties.

1LT Kroske was classed as Missing in Action until the Secretary of the Army approved a Presumptive Finding of Death on 08 Jan 1979, nearly ten years after his loss. His remains have not been repatriated.

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