David Marvin Jolley, Jr
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Jeffersonville, Indiana
May 02, 1944 to May 22, 1966
DAVID M JOLLEY Jr is on the Wall at Panel 7E, Line 102
See the full profile or name rubbing for David Jolley

David M Jolley
usarv.gif ADIV-1STCAVDIV.png 8thcavalry.gif

27 Jul 2006

Sp4 David Jolley. Though I do not know yet the time of your wounds, I do know they were bad. The hardest part of war is knowing that someone can be helped, only to learn you can't bring them to that spot. You had a belly wound, and you were made comfortable, but not much more could be done. CRAZY HORSE was a vicious fight, but we stayed the course. Captain Mozey liked you a lot from what I've read. You men of Charlie Company provided crucial support for the men of Bravo that day, surely many more would have died had it not been for men like you. I will learn more about the person you were, and pass it along for all to know that America had a field full of heroes on 22 May 1966. I want to thank you for your sacrifice, and let you know that in heaven I'll be looking for you and the rest of the "Mustangs" so I can learn even more. Thank you, sir.


In Gerry Metcalf's memory,
James Oldham

11 Nov 2006

Well, Mr. Jolley, I've learned a bit more about you. You were a part of Charlie Company's 3rd platoon. You were on your way to replace Bravo's 1st platoon, which had been severely hit by the ambush. From the photos I've seen of you, you were a 60 gunner. I know that you fought with all you had to make it to those men of Bravo. Unfortunately you sustained a bad belly wound. You, Mr. Jolley, gave your life to save others. I cannot make that point clear enough, because you did it without thought. I thank you now and I will thank you in heaven for what youve done.


In Gerry Metcalf's memory,
James Oldham


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 8th Cavalry fought two bitter engagements in the Vinh Thanh Valley in May 1966. On 17 May the 2nd Battalion lost 19 soldiers, and on the 22nd the 1st Battalion lost eleven more:

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