Danny Leroy Hanson
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Stirum, North Dakota
August 21, 1946 to March 08, 1969
DANNY L HANSON is on the Wall at Panel W30, Line 75
See the full profile or name rubbing for Danny Hanson

Danny L Hanson
usarv.gif 9infdiv.gif ARGT-60THINFANTRY.gif

02 Jun 2003

1st Platoon, Company A, 5th Bn, 60th Infantry
had a reunion Memorial Day weekend 2003.
You were in our thoughts and prayers Danny..
and I know you were with us in spirit.
God bless you, Danny

From his Company Commander,
Alan G. Anderson
27605 Lolo Creek Road, Lolo, Mt

22 Nov 2003

I had the privilege and honor to have been Danny Hanson's Platoon Sergeant in the 1st Platoon, Alpha Company, 5/60th Infantry. We were so much more than a group of soldiers ... we were a "BAND OF BROTHERS". Under Captain Alan Anderson's excellent command, we were without a doubt one of the most successful and effective companies in the Division. Danny was battle-proven and was a great role model for the newer members of our platoon. His keen sense of combat readiness was a huge factor in our continued success. We can't explain how a group of strangers became so closly drawn to each other as brothers. We would gladly, without hesitation, lay our lives on the line for one another and still would today almost 35 years later. That strong a bond can not be explained, only felt by the Band of Brothers. That tragic 8 March 1969 day when we lost Danny, was without a doubt my toughest day as Platoon Sergeant. All the men sat down and sobbed and my job was to get them up and continuing on the mission. I wanted to sit down and cry with them but knew we must get back focused or we were all in danger. My fondest memory of Danny was his very positive, lighthearted humor. That blond head of hair and that Red Devil tattoo on his left arm are still vivid in my memory of my beloved grenade launcher. We remain "NAM BROTHERS FOREVER".

Barney Tharp
3240 Sam Browning Road, Lebanon, Kentucky

15 Apr 2006

Hi, my brother, it has been a long time since we served as a band of brothers, but I want you to know you are never far from my mind. I think of you all of the time. As you know, I visit you at the Wall every year. Your name rubbing hangs on my wall as does your picture. God bless you, my brother. You will always be in my heart and in my prayers. Until we meet again, your Nam brother Stephen Inguanta

For those of us who fought for it,
freedom has a taste the protected will never know.

From a squad brother, A Co, 1st Platoon,
Stephen J Inguanta

08 Mar 2007

Danny, you are in my thoughts often, especially now when every day I hear of young men and women - soldiers - that die in Iraq. I know what their families are feeling and my heart goes out to them.

Memories of us come back to me and I can smile or I cry, sometimes both at the same time. You were too young to die, you had so much potential, so much energy, and a personality everyone loved.

I can only imagine what our life would be like today - if you had come home. You will always be in my heart.

Your wife,

Judy Hanson
E-mail address is not available.

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