Otis James Hampton
Private First Class
Army of the United States
New York, New York
May 17, 1943 to November 17, 1965
OTIS J HAMPTON is on the Wall at Panel 3E, Line 77
See the full profile or name rubbing for Otis Hampton


24 Feb 2004

"Hamp" was a terrific basketball player. He was my teammate on our championship basketball team at Fort Devens, Mass. It took a while, but Hamp and I became friends because of basketball. In 1965, Hamp was transferred to the 1st Air Cav, while I remained with the 1st Inf. Div. In November, 1965, while with the 1st Bn, 2nd Inf, in Vietnam, I heard that Hamp had been killed. I never knew how or where until 1997 when I purchased Col. Hal Moore's book, "We Were Soldiers Once - and Young". In that book, I read Hamp's name. He had been killed while one of Hal Moore's "Troopers" at the Chu Pong Massif in November, 1965. This discovery stunned me and saddened me and Hamp's death is still with me today. I have visted him in Washington DC several times and will continue to remember him.

From a comrade,
Dennis Grange
240 Enfield Center Road, Ithaca, Ny

17 Nov 2005

I do not physically know this man. but I do know that we share the same last name. My name is Amber Hampton, and I respect any man who serves his country in any war. I just wanted to say "Thank You" for helping keep this country safe. I just wonder if, by any odd chance, that we may be related in any way at all. I respect you.

God Bless,

Amber Hampton

Otis James Hampton
died in the fighting in the
Ia Drang Valley
November 1965.

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