Cal Thomas Hammack
Lance Corporal
United States Marine Corps
Sellersburg, Indiana
September 13, 1949 to January 29, 1969
CAL T HAMMACK is on the Wall at Panel W33, Line 14
See the full profile or name rubbing for Cal Hammack

Combat Action Ribbon
Cal T Hammack
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Cal T Hammack


07 Feb 2008

I grew up in the same small town as Tom and his two brothers. I saw Tom in October, 1968 in Danang. I was on in-country R&R and he was on a hospital ship recovering from a wound or illness. He rode by me on a truck and yelled my name and jumped off. We talked for a few minutes and then he left saying he had to get back to the ship. I came home in December and went to his funeral in February. He was killed by friendly fire.

From a friend,
John Hargesheimer
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The Command Chronology for 2nd Bn, 26th Marines, records losing 6 men on 29 January 1969. Two entries in the Chronology apply:
  • E Company 2/26 reported two men wounded and one killed by sniper fire.
  • "At AT965568, Company G was hit by 2 rounds of 81mm WP and 4 rounds of 81mm HE friendly fire resulting in 5 USMC KIA and 8 USMC WIAE."
The casualty databases show six men from 2/26 killed in action on 29 Jan 1967, and five of them can be positively identified as assigned to Golf 2/26. The six men are Hospitalman Larry Hunt was killed by sniper fire; the other five men were killed by off-target mortar fire.

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