Johnnie Lee Frazier
United States Navy
Plainview, Texas
July 03, 1947 to July 29, 1967
JOHNNIE L FRAZIER is on the Wall at Panel 24E, Line 23
See the full profile or name rubbing for Johnnie Frazier

Johnnie L Frazier
ussforrestal.gif NAIRWING-CVW-17.png hs-2.gif


09 Aug 2007

In 1966 I was in boot camp in San Diego CA Company 083 with Johnnie. I remember him well, and was saddened many years ago when I found out he was killed on board ship.

God bless you, Johnnie, rest in peace.


USS Forrestal

USS FORRESTAL arrived on Yankee Station in the Gulf of Tonkin on 25 July 1967 and immediately began combat operations. The first four days were routine; the fifth day, 29 July, was not.

At 10:52 AM a 5-inch Zuni rocket accidentally fired across the crowded flight deck, impacting an armed A-4 Skyhawk. The resulting explosions and fires raged for 13 hours and more, killing 135 crewmen with hundreds more injured.

More information with a list of the dead are on The Virtual Wall's USS FORRESTAL Memorial.

The 18 crewman who perished on the USS Forrestal and buried in Arlington National Cemetery are:

PO2 Marvin Jarrell Adkins
Mallory, West Virginia
LT Dennis Michael Barton
Des Moines, Iowa
AIRMAN Robert John Davies
Rhinelander, Wisconsin
PO2 Edward Robert Dorsey
Wallingford, Connecticut
PO1 Walter Tasman Eads
Falls Church, Virginia
PO1 John Junior Fiedler
Janesville, Wisconsin
PO3 Russell Larry Fike
Orlando, Florida
Airman Johnnie Lee Frazier
Plainview, Texas
Airman Ralph Edward Manning
East Point, Georgia
PO3 Leroy Moser
Pollock, South Dakota
CPO Richard Lee Owens
Fresno, California
PO2 Ernest Elijah Polston
Lancaster, South Carolina
PO3 John Mark Pruner
New York, New York
PO2 Dale Ray Ross
Wentzville, Missouri
PO2 John Francis Snow
Rouses Point, New York
Seaman Nelson Everett Spitler
Upper Sandusky, Ohio
LCDR Gerry Lyle Stark
Seattle, Washington
Airman Harold David Watkins
Cleveland, Ohio

Johnnie L Frazier

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