John Lawrence Wulffert
Second Lieutenant
Army of the United States
Newburgh, New York
September 07, 1942 to December 23, 1967
JOHN L WULFFERT is on the Wall at Panel 32E, Line 53
See the full profile or name rubbing for John Wulffert

John L Wulffert
armyseal.gif usarv.gif 525migrp.gif

08 June 2005

This note is to remember Johnny Wulffert. He was a high school friend in the late 50s. A nice young man, quiet and friendly to all. I was shocked to hear of his death, especially since I was on orders to go to Vietnam just 6 months later. Many years have since passed, but I haven't forgotten that Johnny gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country, and I am proud of him for that. In our Newburgh, New York, high school class of 419, Johnny was the only one to die in that conflict. He is missed to this day.

Mel Lacey

29 Aug 2005

Mr. Lacey,

Thank you for the kind words about the uncle I never knew. I recently received my commission and my father (Tom Wulffert) was there to pin my 2d Lt bars on me. My brother John is named after my uncle, we never knew our uncle, but we keep his memory alive.

Mark T. Wulffert, 2d Lt, NYANG

10 Dec 2005

Mr. Lacey, Thank you for the kind words you've expressed about my father John L. Wulffert. My father was killed when I was 2 1/2 years old. I never had the chance to get to know him. I am now the mother of three daughters and living in Colorado state. It was a joy to see this website in honor of my father.

From his daughter,
Wendy Jean Wood


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Little is known about the circumstances of Lieutenant Wullfert's death - not even his unit assignment within the 525th Military Intelligence Group. Intelligence officers quite commonly worked closely with the MACV Advisory Teams and circumstances as known make it possible that 2LT Wullfert was in the field with MACV Advisory Team 91, Binh Duong Province. If so, he most probably was killed in an action that also cost the lives of two MACV Advisors - SFC Bobby J. Lawrence of Mayfield, KY, and SGT Hugh G. Willard of Orangeburg, SC.

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