Robert Carrol Wright
Second Lieutenant
Army of the United States
Elk City, Oklahoma
December 13, 1947 to January 02, 1970
ROBERT C WRIGHT is on the Wall at Panel W15, Line 121
See the full profile or name rubbing for Robert Wright


27 Mar 2003

This page recaptures memories for me about Robert. I served in C Battery, 6th Bn, 11th Arty. Robert would sometimes come to the battery and he and I became friends. He was very knowledgable about many subjects. In fact, I still owe him a beer. We had a bet about who sang "At the Hop." I lost the bet, I said "Dion and the Belmounts" and he said "Danny and the Juniors." He invited me to "visit" him at his position and I was going to bring him a cold beer. However, I was unable to go to the field that week, and it was the week he was killed. I was stunned and shocked. Not only did I lose a friend, but I also realized that I could have been a casualty. I haven't thought of that moment for over 30 years. Reading this tribute to him rekindles my sorrow about his death. He was a wonderful, spirited person. He had so much to contribute and he did - the ultimate. I am honored to have been his friend.

Bill Biggs
Box 126, Axtell, KS 66403

30 Jan 2006

My fiance' was killed in the same battle as Robert and Joseph. He was on the Hill with them. After all these years I am finally just learning how he was actually killed. His name was Sp4 Frank Dunsmore, and if anyone knew of him I would love to hear from you. All of the men that night were brave. 36 years may have passed but the grief remains fresh. Frank was a wonderful person and touched so many lives in his brief 21 years on this earth. He was an artist, musician/singer, poet, mentor, friend, lover, son, brother, a brave and honest human being. We ALL miss him so. I will always keep his memory alive.

From Frank Dunsmore's girlfriend (fiance'),
Kathleen Christian

13 Apr 2007

Kathleen Christian or Don Marvin, if you see this please email me. I was The Commanding officer of A Btry, 6th Bn, 11th Artillery, 11th Infantry Brigade. Please email me at

From Captain Rodney J Kirk
225 Douglas Fir Rd, Ozark, Mo 65721

03 Jun 2007

Wonderful people of this site, my name is Mike Wright (YNC(SS), Retired). I am Lt Robert C. Wright's brother who has toiled over his loss all these years. I would enjoy any information from any of the families of the heroes killed on 2 Jan 1970 and would love to learn more about Bob.

From 2LT Wright's brother,
Mike Wright
721 S Holmes Street, Cushing, Oklahoma 74023


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Eight Americans died in the fighting on Hill 285:
  • A Btry, 6th Bn, 11th Artillery:
    • 2LT Robert C. Wright, Elk City, OK (Dist Svc Cross)

  • B Co, 4th Bn, 3rd Infantry:
    • CPL Tanner M. Brown, Van Nuys, CA
    • SP4 Joseph M. D'Angelico, Fort Edward, NY
    • CPL Gary L. Davis, Phoenix, AZ
    • SP4 Frank M. Dunsmore, Lanham, MD (medic, HHC w/ Bravo 4/3)
    • CPL Raul Garcia, Donna, TX
    • CPL Dallas R. Snodgrass, Brussels, IL
    • PFC Steven L. Green, Albert Lea, MN

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