James Carl Wise, Jr
United States Air Force
Atlanta, Georgia
June 05, 1930 to December 23, 1965
JAMES C WISE Jr is on the Wall at Panel 4E, Line 35
See the full profile or name rubbing for James Wise

James C Wise
usafseal.gif 13thaf.gif

6 Jun 2002

Member Sigma Chi Fraternity, Beta Psi chapter, Georgia Tech, initiated in December 1948, class of 1952; transferred to Auburn University.

After a very brief stay at Auburn University, Jim continued his education at the University of Alabama, where he met his wife to be, Lucille Hurlburt. From there, he entered USAF Pilot Training. Following graduation, Jim and Lucille advanced through fighter and fighter bomber assignments at bases in the U.S. and Etain, France. In furthering his education, Jim was selected to attend the Naval War College and also earned a Masters Degree. Following his conscience, Jim volunteered for Viet Nam. He received transition training in the A-1 Skyraider, and arrived in Viet Nam and began combat missions in late November 1965.

At the time of his death he was serving as the USAF advisor to the Commander of the South Vietnamese Air Force.

Jim is survived by his wife, Lucille Wise Wilcox, and three daughters, Cathy Wise Minteer of Oldsmar, FL, Vicki Wise Corum of Roswell, GA, Jamie Wise Allen of Marietta, GA and five grandchildren.

From his best friend and fraternity brother,
William E. Dean


A note from The Virtual Wall

There is very little information available regarding Major Wise's loss, other than that he was flying an A-1H on an armed reconnaissance mission in Hua Nghai Province northwest of Saigon. The aircraft probably belonged to the RVN Air Force, since there are no records of a USAF A-1H loss on 23 December 1965.

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