Roy Charles Williams
Sergeant First Class
Army of the United States
Woodville, Texas
June 03, 1947 to September 24, 1979
(Incident Date May 12, 1968)
ROY C WILLIAMS is on the Wall at Panel 59E, Line 15
See the full profile or name rubbing for Roy Williams

Roy C Williams
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05 Jun 2007

I adopted Roy Williams through a Vietnam Vet adoption site. I am determined to give him the recognition he and so many others deserve. Roy is from the same home town as me and I find it more of a personal intrest to me to do what I can to bring his remains home for proper burial, that's the least I can do for him. He served his country bravely as many other men did. I don't know Mr. Williams personally or his family but he has become a huge part of my life and I will never give up on him and I will always remember Mr. Williams from all the information I receive on him. May his soul rest in peace and may he be in the arms of God for eternity. Roy, I will never give up on bringing you home and giving you the recognition you deserve. May God be with you.

Heather Doyle
P O Box 702, Doucette, Texas 75942


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Sergeant First Class Roy C. Williams
is one of the Americans still missing from
the battle at Kham Duc

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