James Franklin Watson
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Chattanooga, Tennessee
June 03, 1932 to August 25, 1968
JAMES F WATSON is on the Wall at Panel W46, Line 25
See the full profile or name rubbing for James Watson

James F Watson
usarv.gif 101abnsm.jpg 501infrgt.gif

20 Nov 2001

James was one hell of a man - at 36 years old he did not have to be in Vietnam.

"POP", as I started calling him and soon that was his name, was a keep to himself kind of guy, but when you got him talking he was something else ... He once told me the reason he was in Nam was to take the place of some young guy. I don't think he had any family, maybe a sister. Pop and I got to be good friends in the short time I knew him. When he was with you on a night ambush or a daytime patrol you had one of the best. Pop, I have never forgotten you nor will I ever forget you. This little memorial is not much, my brother, but it will do until we can have that cold beer together. Thanks for covering my ass more than once. May you be in peace.

From a Nam brother,
Cliff Searcy
908 Windsor Ct, Blue Springs, Mo. 64014

05 May 2003

I was in the same unit as James. I was wounded on 8/29/68. I do remember his name. It jumped out at me. My love and respect to his family and may God bless you.

Harold [Sweetpea] Davis
C Co, 1st/501st Inf, 101st Airborne

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