James Howard Ward
Specialist Five
Army of the United States
Homewood, Illinois
May 13, 1945 to February 01, 1969
JAMES H WARD is on the Wall at Panel W33, Line 35
See the full profile or name rubbing for James Ward


17 Jan 2004

You dedicated your life to service of our Great Country. You made the ultimate sacrifice for all of us. We all want to Thank You for being one of America's Heros. May you be in peace. God Bless You, James. Thank you.

From SSgt Malcolm Pierce Libbey's daughter,
Maryann Libbey


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 01 Feb 1969 the 190th Assault Helicopter Company was tasked with providing airlift in support of a MAC-V Advisory Team. The aircraft, UH-1D tail number 66-00845, flown by pilot 2Lt M. S. Cheney and copilot WO J. D. Barnes, departed base at about 1300. It proceeded to the HQ III Corps helipad, thence to Bien Hoa, and thence to the 3rd ARVN Engineer Battalion helipad at Hoc Mon, landing at about 1340 with three passengers aboard. Four additional passengers boarded the helicopter at Hoc Mon.

With 2Lt Cheney at the controls, the UH-1 lifted off into a hover, and then commenced forward flight into a southerly wind. After about 130 feet of travel the Huey's main rotor blade struck a flagpole, ripping the transmission from the aircraft. The fuselage continued forward and impacted the ground in a nose-low attitude.

Of the eleven men aboard, five died and four others were injured in the crash. The dead included

  • WO Jackson D. Barnes, Winchester, TN, 190th AHC, copilot;
  • CPT Thomas E. Nichols, TX, MACV Advisory Team 95;
  • SP5 James H. Ward, Homewood, IL, MACV Advisory Team 95; and
  • two Vietnamese nationals, Mr. Nguyen and Mr. D. V. Trieu.

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