Stephen Thomas Volz
Petty Officer Third Class
United States Navy
Lakewood, California
August 21, 1948 to November 08, 1968
STEPHEN T VOLZ is on the Wall at Panel W39, Line 39
See the full profile or name rubbing for Stephen Volz

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Stephen T Volz
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29 Sep 2002



On 08 Nov 1968, LTJG Richard C. Wallace , BM3 Peter P. Blasko, Jr. , and BM3 Stephen T. Volz were killed in action aboard PCF-89.

Terry L. Boone

07 Jan 2003

A Vietnam Veteran I chat with asked me to look at his web page on 1/4/02, and to read his story, "Flag Day" . I wish everyone would read this story, especially those like me who are too young to remember Vietnam. (I wasn't born until 1970.) I was bawling by the end, and then I went to the "Swift Boats" section and started looking at the pictures of those who died. I came to one in particular, that of BM3 Stephen T. Volz. My first thought was, "God, he's just a baby!" As I looked at the rest of the pictures, I realized none of those who died on the swift boats had even hit 30, at least those for whom there were pictures. And I bet it's true for the others as well.

So this poem is for you Stephen T. Volz,
and all the others like you
who have given their lives in war.

This is for Joe, the vet I chat with,
and all others like him who survived.

And last, but by no means least,
this is for those who to this day
continue to fight for the freedoms we hold dear.

Lament For Stephen
by Niki Hollingsworth

A ghost now whispers 'round my heart,
Handsome face and boyish grin
Of a young man taken all too soon
By the blackened hand of war.

Twenty years he spent on earth
Before he met his death,
And now he whispers to me
This man I never met.

He begs me "Don't forget us,
"We who fought and breathed our last,
"Reduced to shades and memories
"Of a distant past."

He begs me "Don't forget them.
"Those who fought and lived through hell,
"Forever scarred by memories
"And wounds that never heal."

He was so young at twenty
With a countenance of sixteen,
But when I think of all I've read
All the pictures that I've seen,

The conclusion's inescapable.
"War is hell." is understatement.
As for where my feelings lie
They were all too young to die.

So few years they spent on earth
Before they met their deaths,
And now they whisper to me
These men I never met.

How could I forget them?
No, as long as I have breath,
Honor I'll afford them
These men I never met.

A civilian supporter of our military who is proud of our fighting men and women
Niki Hollingsworth

05 Dec 2003

Thank you brother, you gave all. I know where
you're at and will be there with you one day.
I try to raise my sons with some of your integrity
and honor. Thanks for keeping an eye on me...
Love you, bro
Dan Volz

20 Sep 2006

Stephen, my big brother, thank you for all you gave. I remember when I was 16 and we went crusing in your 1957 black T-Bird. I never felt so inportant. I will always remember you not only as a strong, loving man but also my big brother.


Barbie Parks
10982 Eastern Avenue


A Note from The Virtual Wall

In November 1968 PCF-89 operated out of Qui Nhon. On the night of 08 November the boat's 81mm mortar exploded, apparently as the result of an accidental double loading, killing the boat officer and two crewmen and severely wounding a third crewman. The three dead were


Naval mortars, unlike their infantry counterparts, are not fired by dropping rounds into the tube, where they strike a firing pin and are immediately launched. The naval mortar round is inserted into the muzzle, as with the infantry version, but the gunner decides when to fire and does so with a conventional trigger.

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