Tony Vale
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Houston, Texas
November 10, 1944 to November 27, 1965
TONY VALE is on the Wall at Panel 3E, Line 116
See the full profile or name rubbing for Tony Vale

Combat Action Ribbon

12 Sep 2006

Sept 12, 2006 ... Hermano (Brother), it's been nearly 41 years ago (Nov 27, 1965) that we all set out to rescue men in our company who had been pinned down by the enemy and needed our help.

You took on the most dangerous assignment, when you volunteered to be our point man.

We took enemy fire and shortly thereafter I was summoned to move out of my position, and render aid to someone in front of my position.

You had been mortally wounded, and shortly thereafter, you died in my arms. I felt guilty for living, guilty for not being able to save you.

You have remained in my mind and heart, where you will stay until I can see you again.

I know that God has rewarded you for your great sense of duty to your country, for your love for your family, and for the noble love that you gave to us all.

Your brother forever,

I was one of the 1st Recon Battalion Corpsman.
Tony was my friend.
Paul Hinojos
1826 E. Orange Drive, Phoenix, Az 85016


A Note from The Virtual Wall

In November 1965 C Company, 1st Recon Bn, had already deployed to Vietnam and was attached to the 3rd Recon Bn. The 3rd Recon Command Chronology for the month contains the C/1st Recon post-patrol report. In part, it reads as follows:
"Mission: Conduct a motor convoy to coord BS503036 then patrol by foot west to extract team SPARTAN and insert team COVETOUS.

"At 270850H, the company moved out ... to coord BS593936 and dismounted. ... The company started to cross the open space at coord BS580938. The point received sniper fire from houses ... the company deployed, at that time the company received fire ... the 2nd platoon with Lt WILLIAMS moved to the north to coord BS583939 into the cain [sic] fields then turned west and then north. ... Eight houses were cleared... At approx 0945H the 2nd platoon rejoined the company at coord BS578938. The company moved out and one sniper fired one round from coord BS574937 hitting PFC VALE ... PFC VALE was hit in the chest and died..."

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