Quincy Hightower Truett
Chief Petty Officer
PBR-770, River Assault Squadron 55, TF 116, USNAVFORV
United States Navy
Leesburg, Florida
April 03, 1932 to January 20, 1969
QUINCY H TRUETT is on the Wall at Panel W34, Line 46
See the full profile or name rubbing for Quincy Truett

Combat Action Ribbon

05 Jan 2003

A dedication to God, Man, and Duty describes this Sailor's life. Bravery beyond the call of duty took him from us but his actions saved many of us. God Speed, clear skies and fair seas, Sailor. Thank you. Your memory lives on.

John Barrett
President, the Vietnam Veterans of Central Florida
3400 N Tanner Rd, Orlando, Fl ,32826

08 Dec 2005

I did not know BMC Truett, however I did get to know about him as I was one of the very lucky sailors who got to serve on a ship named in honor of him, USS TRUETT (DE-1095), later re-classified an FF. I was a plank-owner and damn proud of it. Her keel was laid 27 April 1972 and she was launched on 3 Feb 1973, then commissioned on 1 Jun 1974 in Portsmouth, Virginia. During the week of commissioning I got the privilege of driving Mrs. Truett and her family to whereever they wanted to go and to the Ship itself. They were the very best of people to know and she told me about her husband, Quincy.

In closing I would like to say that I am more than disappointed that the US Goverment leased the TRUETT to the very same county that cost BMC Truett his life...

William D. Crader
Plank-owner, USS TRUETT
St. Louis, Missouri

28 Dec 2006

BM1 Daniel J. Thone,

Cotton Truett was my great-uncle and his sister Eunice my grandmother. As a family we are glad to see he is gone but not forgotten and still holds a special place in the hearts of the men and women he served with.

Thank you very much.

Cotton's greatnephew,
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

From the US Naval Forces Vietnam History for Jan 1969:
"TU 116.5.4 (four PBRs, one ATC) on a BARRIER REEF WEST patrol, about 8 miles west of Dinh Dien Phuoc Xuyen, received heavy rocket, small arms, and automatic weapons fire from both banks of the canal at 2200, 20 January. One of the PBRs was sunk but its crew was rescued by the cover boat. Seawolves [armed UH-1s from HA(l)-3] were scrambled and on arrival one of them was shot down. The remaining Seawolf rescued the crew of the downed aircraft. One hundred to two hundred Viet Cong were observed to be advancing in the area of the downed helo. "Spooky" aircraft [AC-47 gunships] and additional LHFT [light helo fire teams] arrived on the scene to cover the sunk boat and downed helo. ASPBs [armored river boats] arrived and after effecting emergency repairs took the sunken PBR under tow. The ASPBs also coordinated al MEDEVACs. US casualties were one killed and 11 wounded (four on helo). Enemy losses unknown."

Fortunately, Mr. Crader's concern about the present where-abouts of USS TRUETT is unnecessary.


USS TRUETT was the 44th KNOX-class frigate built. Shown above operating with other ships of NATO's Standing Naval Force Atlantic (1977), she served until decommissioned on July 30, 1994. TRUETT was then leased to Thailand where she was recommissioned as HTMS PHUTTHAYOTFA CHULALOK (FF-461). She was stricken from the Navy list on January 11, 1995, and purchased by Thailand on December 9, 1999.


The ship was named in honor of Phutthayotfa Chulalok the Great, who ruled Thailand from 1782 to 1809 as King Rama I. HTMS PHUTTHAYOTFA CHULALOK is shown above during an exercise with US naval forces in 2004.

The Republic of Vietnam was a member of the Southeast Asian Treaty Organization (SEATO), which was similar to the better-known North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Five SEATO nations provided forces to assist the Republic of Vietnam: Australia, New Zealand, the Republic of the Philippines, Thailand, and the United States. The Philippines provided civil affairs units, while the other four all provided combat forces.

All five SEATO nations lost troops in Vietnam, as did the Republic of Korea and the Republic of Vietnam itself.

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