John Wayne Tracy
Staff Sergeant
Army of the United States
Seminole, Oklahoma
March 27, 1934 to September 18, 1969
JOHN W TRACY is on the Wall at Panel W18, Line 112
See the full profile or name rubbing for John Tracy

John W Tracy
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23 Apr 2008

Sgt. Tracy was a member of the Army ROTC cadre at the University of Tennessee in 1968-69 when I was a senior in college. He had already served two tours of duty in Vietnam when I met him. We became friends during the summer of 1969 while I was participating in advanced ROTC summer camp at Fort Bragg, North Carolina and he was on staff. In September, he returned for his third tour in Vietnam and was killed about two weeks into his tour. I learned a lot from this guy!

From a friend,
Alex Hawkins
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

C Company, 4/503rd Infantry, lost two men on 18 Sep 1969: SSG John W. Tracy and CPL Robert W. Labrecque of Riviera Beach, Florida.

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