John Edwin Straub
United States Marine Corps
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
September 07, 1951 to October 28, 1970
JOHN E STRAUB is on the Wall at Panel W6, Line 26
See the full profile or name rubbing for John Straub

Combat Action Ribbon

28 Sep 2008

I remember you, John, when we were students at Saint John's Catholic School, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. We all made the nuns crazy. And you always made the class laugh. I remember when a bunch of guys and you put tacks on Sister Peter's seat and she didn't even feel them. We just stared and wondered what happened. We knew that we could count on you for another try, and it worked.

I will never forget the time you came to Sister Peters' class dressed like Elvis Presley, with your hair greased with something, and Sister Pete called you a hoodlum. The whole class always looked forward to a school day of fun with you, John.

Another "fun-day" I remember we shared, was when all you boys challenged us girls to have an in-school water bucket fight in the girls' bathroom. I will never forget being soaked in that stupid uniform, and laughing so hard that I pee'd my pants. Even though our game ended when the water ran down the hall into Sister Peter's classroom, it was a blast! I can still hear Big Peter's slamming up the hall in those black shoes screaming and calling us devils.

You always went sleigh riding in the cemetery with us girls because we were afraid of falling into a grave. You are missed, but never forgotten. I still have a picture of you at graduation dressed in a suit. Sorry, I wasn't home to attend your funeral. I was stationed in Charleston Naval Base, SC. PS I am sure you are in Heaven with good old Sister Peter. I am sorry that you had to leave us.

From a school mate,
Linda J. Knappman


A Note from The Virtual Wall

"Routine" hazards continue to exist in wartime - vehicle accidents and so on. In October 1970 the coastal areas of Vietnam were being inundated with monsoon rains which raised river levels. The following is scanned from the 2nd Bn, 1st Marines's Situation Report for 29 Oct 1970:

It reports two accidental drownings:
  • The first entry reports the loss of LCpl Michael A. Micko, Astoria, New York, assigned to A Company, 1st Bn, 1st Marines. While accompanying a truck on Route 4 between Dai Loc and the Hill 65 base, LCpl Micko was swept into the Vu Gia River. Rescue efforts were unsuccessful.

  • The second entry refers to Cpl John Straub, who was swept away in the Yen Ne River about 5 kilometers south-southwest of the Tuy Loan Bridge south of Danang. Cpl Straub's body was recovered on 01 Nov 1970.

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