Kenneth James Smolarek
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Detroit, Michigan
August 03, 1950 to November 27, 1969
KENNETH J SMOLAREK is on the Wall at Panel W16, Line 128
See the full profile or name rubbing for Kenneth Smolarek

Kenneth J Smolarek
usarv.gif 4infdiv2.gif ARGT-75THINFANTRY.png

17 Oct 2004

Lord, we thank you for the privilege of having served alongside men of this caliber. Help us never to forget nor allow others to forget soldiers like Ken. Encourage and embolden each of us to continue maintaining the belief that all men are created equal and deserves the right to choose. May we never accept injustice as an option but as a threat to freedom, the freedom of all freedom-loving people around the world. Thank You, Lord, for sending so many like our brother that are willing to stand, and give their final breath to prevent the threat to freedom from becoming a reality. Ken has now taken his place in our hearts as being one of America's Best. Joined with like soldiers in a place of love, peace, and joy. All Glory belongs to you, Lord, but you said "Honor is due where Honor is due". Today we honor Ken by remembering him and his sacrifice for Freedom! May you touch and comfort his loved ones this day and every day with the peace that passes all understanding. We humbly ask it, in Jesus' Name. To his loved ones we say, it may seem all for naught seeing how the world is today, but Ken then, as soldiers of today, and all future soldiers, will continue to assure our freedom remains alive, and the hope alive for the many oppressed of the world. Thanks for standing strong all these many years with just his memory. Know our hearts are joined with yours. May the peace of our Lord be with you always.

The "Flag of The United States of America" that we hail, is a symbol of one nation, under God, with Justice, and liberty for all, still flies free over our Capital because of the men and women like our brother. One must salute him not only because he died for what he believed to be right, "the belief that all should live free and live their life accordingly", but we must also salute him for being a special person, one that God had ordained long ago to be a "Warrior" in a time of turbulence for our nation and the world. His service in Vietnam was not the usual, no he went a step further and volunteered to serve in one of the most dangerous units of that war. One had to have guts of steel and be a team player to be in such a unit as "The Famed Long Range Patrol Rangers of the 75th Ranger Regiment", a unit that pulled some of the most dangerous patrols in the history of the Army. That was because they worked deep inside enemy-held territory with a team of 4 men. That is why the 75th Rangers only took volunteers. Growing up in Detroit, Michigan, he was a young energetic kid who liked challenges. Perhaps this was what drew him to want to serve in a unit such as the 75th Rangers. His actions truly represent his loyalty to his family, his nation, and the United States Army. Truly one of America's Best! This page will remain on the world wide web site of the proud 75th Rangers Regiment as long as there is an organization. He is also honored on the Wall in Washington D.C.

Ken, we salute you for contributing the highest cost of war, the giving of one's life. We, your brothers of like spirit, still remember and love you. Your life was short but, you died a "VALOROUS MAN".


Day is done, gone the sun, from the lakes, from the sky.
All is well, safely rest. God is nigh.
Fading light dims the sight, and a star gems the sky,
Gleaming bright from afar, drawing nigh, falls the night.
Thanks and praise for our days neath the sun, neath the sky,
As we go, this we know, God is nigh.

Rest, our Brother, rest!

Bob Smyers

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