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James Lloyd Siron
Private First Class
2ND PLT, C CO, 3RD RECON BN, 3RD MARDIV, III MAF United States Marine Corps Sedalia, Missouri August 24, 1948 to January 21, 1968 JAMES L SIRON is on the Wall at Panel 35E, Line 9 See the full profile or name rubbing for James Siron |
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A True UncleJames L. Siron, an uncle and a brother to many.He fought and died for his country, just like many others.
I did not know my uncle in person
He was a loved man and is truly missed.
He fought with pride, love, honor
No matter if he is here or not, We love and miss you!
Your nephew, |
To the Family of Jim Siron: I can't put a tag on the impulse that made us want to be Marines. But there we were, so many of us from Sedalia, Missouri. I was half a tour ahead of Jim and didn't even know he was in the Corps. I had moved away from Sedalia at the beginning of my Senior year (his junior year) and we only corresponded a couple of times and then lost touch. Boot camp was typical. For those of you who want to get at least an idea of how it was, see the first half of "Full Metal Jacket". It's pretty accurate, if somewhat toned down. Gunny Embry did us proud. A line from the movie still sends chills of pride up my spine ... "I might even let you be a rifleman in my Beloved Corps...". Don't wonder why ANYONE would want to do THAT! It's what every Marine aspires to but so few become... Please don't chastise Jim for that choice. My time associated with those four numbers, 0311, have been and are the pride and the spirit of my life. "Semper Fidelis" is not just a nice sounding Latin phrase. It is a watchword, a challenge, an opportunity and a commitment. On the day Jim died we (elements of 3rd Bn, 26th Marines) also had cause for hurt. Kilo Company had lost 11 men in the early morning and my company (Lima) lost two in support of Kilo. To all of those Marines who gave the last full measure of devotion on 21 Jan 1968 I wish fair winds and following seas. And a hearty Semper Fi, buds.
From a high school friend and fellow Marine, |
A Note from The Virtual WallThe post-patrol report for Recon Team LITTLE GULL (2nd Plt, C Company), submitted by message as 3rd Recon Bn 221519Z JAN 68, is contained in the 3rd Recon Bn's Jan 1968 Command Chronology. It states the patrol was made up of nine men, 8 US and one Vietnamese Kit Carson scout, and began its move into its operating area on foot on 15 Jan 1968. Their mission was to determine enemy activity, plot prospective landing zones, and prosecute the enemy using air and/or artillery. The operating area was in the vicinity of Hill 484, about 14 kilometers north-northwest of the Ca Lu Airfield and 23 kilometers north-northeast of the Khe Sanh combat base. After extraction the team's surviving members were debriefed by Captain G. W. O'Dell, who prepared the report quoted below:"5. Observation of enemy and terrain.The body of the Chronology contains a summary (page 11) which reads "During the initial firefight 5 USMC were KIA and 1 WIA. Two men (1 WIA) managed to break contact and evade until picked up by helicopter. An attached Kit Carson scout was captured by the NVA and taken to their harbor site. During the evening he managed to loosen his bonds, overpower his guard, and evaded back to friendly lines. He related that enemy KIAs numbered 15."There are two discrepancies between the reports quoted above and the casualty database:
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