Travis A. Simmons, Jr
Petty Officer Third Class
United States Navy
Midland, Texas
August 27, 1943 to March 16, 1967
TRAVIS A SIMMONS Jr is on the Wall at Panel 16E, Line 98
See the full profile or name rubbing for Travis Simmons

Combat Action Ribbon
Travis A Simmons
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22 Apr 2004

Travis was born in Childress, Texas, and he attended the Childress Public Schools through High School. He graduated in 1962. He attended Woods Trade School in Midland and then went into the Navy. He loved the outdoors, hunting, fishing and athletics.

Travis was a Navy Hospital Corpsman and was detailed to a Marine Unit as a Corpsman. His fellow troops called him "Doc" Simmons. The family received many letters from Marines who served with him as to how many lifes he had saved.

On the day of his death, Travis had been struck in the foot by small arms fire as his company was ambushed in a rice paddy. A fellow Corpsman pulled him out of the live fire, but Travis was not about to lay idle as his buddies were falling. Returning to action, he was giving aid to a wounded Marine when a fatal shot from a machine gun took his life.

Travis believed in what he was doing. He believed he was helping his fellow Americans. Travis' brother Ed Simmons hopes that we Americans don't lose sight of what America stands for and that all of the American soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines who served in Vietnam gave their best and some gave all, and that it was not in vain.

Travis is remembered by his community and by the Permian Basin Vietnam Memorial located at Midland International Airport, Midland, Texas.

From a Permian Basin Vietnam Memorial Representative,
Billy M. Brown

09 May 2005

Travis and I both joined the Naval Reserve at the Navy and Marine Corps Reserve Center, Midland, Texas at approximateley the same time. We both attended Hospital Corps School and subsequently were assigned to the FMF in the RVN. I was in RVN (I Corps) from January 1967 through January 1968.

I have fond recollections of my association with Travis and I am very sorry to hear of his being killed in action. His bravery and sacrifice is well in line with the Travis that I remember.

From a fellow Corpsman from Midland, Texas,
A. L. "Tony" Riley
HMCM USN (Retired)
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Fox Company, 2/7 Marines, lost eight men on 16 March 1967:
  • Sgt Angel Mendez, New York, NY (Navy Cross)
  • Cpl Frank M. Pokey, Milwaukee, WI
  • HM3 Travis A. Simmons, Midland, TX (Corpsman from H&S 2/7) (Silver Star)
  • LCpl Nelson A. Matlock, Depew Creek, OK
  • Pfc Michael C. Dominguez, Santa Barbara, CA
  • Pfc Andrew Fedor, Flemington, NJ
  • Pfc John A. Graber, Wichita, KS
  • Pfc Pearl W. Myers, Terre Haute, IN
Sergeant Angel Mendez' Navy Cross Citation, linked above, gives a description of the situation that day.


"You guys are the Marine's doctors -
There's none better in the business than a Navy Corpsman ..."
-- Lieutenant General "Chesty" Puller --

Visit John Dennison's
Medics on the Wall
memorial which honors the
Army Medics and Navy Corpsmen who died in Vietnam.

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