Larry Shea
Specialist Five
Army of the United States
Eminence, Kentucky
May 21, 1948 to August 24, 1969
LARRY SHEA is on the Wall at Panel W19, Line 109
See the full profile or name rubbing for Larry Shea

Larry Shea
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8 Jun 2002

Larry at the age of 7


They walk along the granite block,
past names all etched in stone.
Among so many others here,
but fell so alone.

So many here to touch a soul
that passed so long ago
and tears now streak from off your cheek,
emotions have to show.

There are so many here
who wish for the pain to end.
Why not reach out a hand to them,
to listen, to be a friend.

The Wall can bridge the largest gap,
it made our nation one.
We thank the nurses one and all,
and every soldier, my son.

Whose names we see forever etched
upon the this granite stone.
Though painful, make us realize
that we are not alone.

The sacrifice each one of you made
that brings us to this shrine,
brings all those closer, left behind,
perhaps the grand design.

To help the friends and family
to understand the call
that took your names from off life's list
and placed them on this Wall.

You fought a war, though unpopular,
in Vietnam so far away.
and now you've found the greatest peace
as we stand here and pray.

Beyond the Wall we hope to find
the reason for it all.
Why, you with pride went far away
to answer duty's call.

So rest in peace my warrior,
my brother, my son too,
and rest assured forever more,
we will all remember you.

The Wall means much to everyone.
these names on granite cast.
It keeps your memories alive
as long as time will last.

So look upon the the granite face
and touch the names with pride.
All their spirits linger there
beyond the Wall, inside.
- H. D. Hughes -

A memorial initiated by his brothers,
Barty, Keith and Kevin Shea

Larry extended his tour of duty in Vietnam but was able to come home for two weeks before beginning his extension. Those two weeks were the last time we saw him. The two photos immediately below were taken while he was at home.

Larry, nephew Mark, and brother Barty

Larry, Mom, and Pop when Larry left to return to Vietnam
Left, Larry with David Wells; center/right, in barracks near Danang
Larry with children and buddies
Vietnam; right, in front of an APC
We never learned about the injury or growth visible on his cheek.

12 Jun 2006

I walked along that long black Wall, with names as far as I could see.
Friends I knew in childhood now etched in memories.
I've touched their names so many times, remembered them with love.
I walk along, the rain pours down, tears from heaven above.

I watch a Vet, deep in thought, pain across his face.
He walks a mother to the Wall; he's taken his friend's place.
She reaches out to touch a name, the one that was her son.
They pause together in the rain, their memories a bond.

The men who fought, the men who died, their names for all to see
Their lives so brief, fallen short, a page in history.
We can't forget what they had done, so many years ago.
Sacrifices they have made, the bravery they showed.

I walked along that long black Wall, crying in the rain.
For all those men who've touched our lives, we'll never see again.

Catherine Anne McNeill
Copyright 1999
Reproduced under 17 USC ï¿ 1/2 107

From his brother, uncle, son and friends,
Bethany Lynn Long
Keith Morgan Harrod
Kevin Glenn and Carla Harrod
Mark Anthony Shea
Michael Austin Shea
Marion and Francis Wininger


A Note from The Virtual Wall

A Troop, 1st of the 10th Cavalry, lost two men on 24 Aug 1969: SP5 Larry Shea and SP4 Bernard P. Bailey of Torrance, California.

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