Thomas Francis Shaw
First Lieutenant
Army of the United States
Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin
March 28, 1948 to April 27, 1972
THOMAS F SHAW is on the Wall at Panel W1, Line 8
See the full profile or name rubbing for Thomas Shaw


16 Nov 2001

Tom. You need to be on this page. I'm in touch with many friends from the 129th and we will make sure you are never forgotten. We will march for you in parades and honor you on Memorial Day. And I, Tom,will continue to visit your brick at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Milwaukee, to spend a moment with you. You are a hero.


It's Memorial Day 2002 - but Tom, you are always remembered.


Bernie, Bruno, and the rest of the 129th AHC thought of you on Sunday, 4/27. I visited your grave site in Fond Du Lac, and it still breaks my heart 31 years later. You were so young, so full of life ... and you had a son. Know that you are remembered, Tom. Gently

25 Mar 2004

Another birthday tomorrow (3/26), Tom. I bet you'd be a handsome old man with grandchildren today, if God had wanted it to be. I saw that your nephew posted on your memorial - I hope other family members will someday do the same. You are missed and not forgotten, my friend, especially on your birthday. Happy Birthday from the 129th AHC brotherhood. Always there for our Veterans - Gently

02 May 2005

"T-Shirt", what a wonderful memory for your friend to share with us. Bernie and Bruno stopped in... it's been pretty busy here at your memorial... how wonderful. You are loved, Tom, and remembered by many. I'll have the opportunity to meet Bernie and Bruno at the 129th AHC re-union in Texas this June... the last men to see you alive. I feel blessed. Maybe Ann, your wife, will join us. That would be very special. Always on my mind - Gently

From a friend,
Judith Singer

05 Mar 2003

LT. Shaw,
a belated Happy Birthday from the two survivors of "426".

26 Apr 2003

LT. Shaw, it will be 31 years ago on April 27th, 2003 that Mr Strother,
2 Korean soldiers,
yourself and I had our last flight together as a crew,
something I will never forget.
You are all missed every day. Survivor of "The 426"

Bernie Hernandez

28 Mar 2005


I heard it was your birthday yesterday so I just wanted to write you a short message. Happy Birthday to you, LT.

Bernie Hernandez
Still Door Gunner of "The 426"

27 Apr 2005

33 years ago today you and Mr. Strother lost your lives in the An Khe Pass,
I'll see you both someday.

Bernie Hernandez
"Door Gunner of The 426".

Bernie Hernandez
1670 West 700 South, Ogden, Utah 84404

15 Nov 2003

Tom, you are not forgotten...
Being Tom's nephew ... I thank all of you who have remembered my uncle.
God bless you and Tom.

27 Apr 2005

Thirty-three years gone. Hardly seems possible. But he has come to mind regularly; more these last few years. We were best friends through high school. Took different paths in college; he went ROTC, I protested. But we stayed good friends, if distant.

Thirty-three years gone. I keep replaying the scene of the last time we got together. Beautiful early Autumn afternoon. Big front yard full of elms. He was a brand new father - and he'd just received his orders. I remember thinking that chopper pilot was as hairy as it got, but that Tom would be OK. I remember feeling sure of it when I left him, even though my roommate at the time was a Captain who'd paid his price in Vietnam. See, I never knew anyone so totally devoid of personal malice and animosity as Tom. I can only remember that crazy laugh and that wide open grin. He was a great athlete and a fierce competitor, but he didn't have a mean bone in his body. So, he deserved to survive Vietnam. Young and naive; now I know "deserve" just doesn't hold that much sway in this life.

Thirty-three years gone. They say you live on, after you're gone, in the memory of the people you touched, and who cared for you. So "T-Shirt" will continue to live on for a long time to come. I know I will never forget. And the thought of him will always make me grin. But I will always miss him, and what could have been. What should have been...


From a friend.

25 Jun 2006

Tom, I only knew you through your brother but you touched my soul. I think of you often, I go visit the traveling Wall and touch your name trying to bring back that warm confidence you displayed. What I miss most is being able to say thank you for everything you did for us.

From a friend,

28 May 2007

May 28, 2007, Memorial Day. Tom, words simply cannot express the selflessness you exhibited for your country and the love and gratitude of your family and friends. I never had the privilege to meet you - you had passed before I was born - but I sure wish I could have. I know my father - your brother Tim - loved you very much and thought the world of you, as did the rest of your family, your friends, and fellow soldiers. Thank you, Tom.

Love, your nephew,,
Frank Shaw
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Two men of the 129th Assault Helicopter Company died in the crash of their UH-1 Huey (hull number 68-15426): The aircraft was on a resupply flight in support of Korean Army operations. Two other crewmen were injured (crew chief SP4 B. E. Sanchez and gunner SP4 B. Hernandez) and two Korean soldiers (names unknown) were killed.

These men are also remembered by their comrades in the

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