Stephen William Shaw
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Indianapolis, Indiana
January 08, 1945 to June 17, 1968
STEPHEN W SHAW is on the Wall at Panel W56, Line 15
See the full profile or name rubbing for Stephen Shaw


11 Mar 2003

A Good Friend
Kind person
Always had a smile
Enjoyed sports
Loved to pull off a good prank
Didn't mind being "pranked"
Believed he was doing the right thing to honor his country by serving in Viet Nam.

We looked for a long time to find the place you were laid, and found you in Brazil, Indiana, two years after honoring your memory by naming our son Jesse Shaw after you. It took 22 years to find peace knowing you were on home soil. Our regret is that we did not find you while your Mother was living, to share with her our memories. You were my friend before we were drafted, endured basic and AIT, then we had that long airplane ride to Vietnam. When we departed that plane, they pointed you one direction and I the other, little did I know that that would be the last time we would see each other. Our plan was to meet at the pool in Indianapolis. But you knew, didn't you, that day at the airport when you told my mom goodbye and that you would never see her again, because your uncles who served in WWII were killed in action.

We asked that our son would always remember where you rest beside your parents, grandparents and those WWII Vet Uncles. To honor your memory and theirs, realizing the sacrifice given for our country and all of us. You are NOT FORGOTTEN! We see you every day in our hearts. Thanks for being you and sharing your life with us.

We would like to have contact with someone who served with Steve.

The Shannon Marshall Family
2/28 Black Lions in Viet Nam

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