Richard Judson Seibert
Second Lieutenant
Army of the United States
Far Hills, New Jersey
September 28, 1942 to January 10, 1968
RICHARD J SEIBERT is on the Wall at Panel 34E, Line 15
See the full profile or name rubbing for Richard Seibert

Richard J Seibert
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10 Jan 2003

Dick was my first boyfriend and a friend that I will never forget.

I met him at my sister's engagement party and fell for him like a ton of bricks!! Here we are 35 years later and he is still in my thoughts and heart. He was charming,funny, handsome and bright. But mostly he was brave and true and died for his country, something we should all be grateful to him for.

Diana Clucas Vought

17 Feb 2004


Until we meet again to walk down the snowy streets, to walk in the woods, to sit by the fire together. I will remember every day of my life, all that you meant, and never stop loving you.

May you carry that smile forever Dick, may you hold your head high, and may you always be proud as you gallop the tracks of Eternity.

Love is eternal.

Terry Cunningham Maloomian

25 Feb 2004

The Purple Heart
by Jerry Plunkett
27 March 2002

Death had Her hand upon his shoulder.
His smiles felt Her still presence.
She would be patient.
Your kiss blessed his lips as he slipped into Her world.

The aroma of equine sweat rose on leather.
The good earth absorbing life's heavy, trodding gait.
The smell of untended grass; animal musk and muddy clay;
These things would have been your coupling bed.

He brought the heat of a summer's day.
You brought the warm pure smells of home.
A family bounded in sunshine.
Together pouring golden through life.

Your hair flew like soft wings above the animal's powerful back.
His eyes fell on you from his mount in hot enveloping swirls.
The tempest about you both served as background harmony.
A rhythm focused in time.

The universe’s corners fill your mind.
He brought the will to focus that flow.
Together you have forged an unbroken chain.
It trails into the eons of time.

He still stands firmly rooted in the land.
He holds a tether of pearls fastened around your heart.
His grip is firm but gentle.
The selfless glow of a true heart warms from his eyes.

But your fear of that other Woman caused you to flee.
A promise you couldn't have understood.
Fear galloped under you; its nostrils and eyes wide;
Its neck stretched taut distancing the head from Her hands.

The purple tie is buried in your heart, my love.
Fear dug its grave.
And horror was fear’s name.
The horrible kiss of my corpse.

My hands still cling to the pearly thread about you.
It spans the distance from timelessness to time.
I offered a partnership in life.
It is a oneness with you inseparable by death.

But you saw another Woman come between us.
One destined to win my heart for eternity.
I wanted never to feel death's sting.
My future secured in your heart and through your womb.

The living must prevail.
But in which reality do they live?
Things stay buried in the ground.
Not so in the heart.

Many pregnant sunrises have passed.
Death was my bride in the Far East.
But I have divorced Her.
The estuary between life and death is carrying me to you.

The Sea of Death is an ocean of Life's dreams.
A fragile sliver of pearl glowed from Death's sea.
A discarded gem to be valued as the treasure it had always been.
It speaks of the enduring depth of my promise to you.

We can soil ourselves in all eyes save God's.
The promise and unsoiled truth of my love washes over you.
Your heart longs to extend its hand to mine.
A renewal of vows our hearts made long ago.

My purple heart was cast down by time to the bottom of your heart.
It shattered into shards of truth.
The glint of life still beats there.
It is the holiest of marriages.

Not too close, the doors of the past flying open.
I still live, but only just beyond the edges of your heart.
I am no dark angel; no succubus sent to drink your life away.
My purpose has always been true.

One day I will take your hand at life's threshold.
I said I'd give you time to reply.
I had eternity to slow your flight and gently turn your eyes to me.
I’ll walk with you into the violet night and finally and forever fulfill my promise to you.

I shared an instant of his life as a fellow Infantry officer and friend.

Jerry Wayne Plunkett

04 May 2005

I served with LT Seibert for only 2 months. I carried the field radio. His call sign was KELSO 6. It was from the name of a horse. I was transfered to HHC 196 on Jan 3 68 so I was not in the battle that he was killed in. I was the Brigade casualty reporter and I was very saddened to get this information and then to notify all in HHC.

From a fellow grunt,
James Gray
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

In the first week of 1968 the 196th Infantry Brigade sent elements of three infantry battalions into the Hiep Duc Valley in Quang Tin Province - 2/1st Infantry, 3/21st Infantry, 4/31st Infantry. By 04 Jan the units were having increased contact with VC and NVA forces, culminating in a major battle on 10 Jan 1968. 2LT Seibert's unit, Delta Company, 3/21st Infantry, lost eight men in that fight:
  • 2LT Richard J. Seibert, Far Hills, NJ (Dist Svc Cross)
  • SGT Edwin F. Brown, Beloit, WI
  • SGT Jerome W. Ellenson, Walcott, ND
  • SGT Jeffrey Perez, Elmhurst, NY
  • CPL Charles L. Hanselman, Dearborn, MI
  • CPL Benton Michaud, Fort Kent, ME
  • PFC Francis H. Andrysiak, Glen Head, NY
  • PFC Garland A. Griffin, Coolidge, GA
Overall, at least 69 of the Brigade's soldiers died during the first two weeks of January.

Richard Seibert's name on the New Jersey Memorial

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