James Arnold Searight
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Baldwinsville, New York
May 16, 1944 to March 13, 1967
JAMES A SEARIGHT is on the Wall at Panel 16E, Line 74
See the full profile or name rubbing for James Searight

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James A Searight
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07 Jan 2002

In honor of Jim Searight
who, as a true patriot,
did what his country asked him to do.
In a way, I also know him.

"Semper Fi!"

From a neighbor,
Tom Fredette
E-mail address is not available.

26 Feb 2002

Jim was my cousin.
I think of him often.
My children have read his letters.

Rhonda Lisi
E-mail address is not available.

28 Feb 2002

This Page is dedicated to the best friend I ever had, he also was my brother.
I miss him a lot, may God bless and Keep you, my brother,
Love you - TOM.

Thomas F. Searight
(deceased 12 Oct 2006)

23 March 2002

Jim and I were close friends and dated before he left for Viet Nam. We corresponded back and forth while he was stationed there. I remember him as a fun loving young man, who was more than willing to go to war to defend this country.

I will always have a special place in my heart for this Marine and will never, ever forget his sacrifice. May he rest in peace in God's home.

From a friend,
Sally Gagnon

20 Nov 2006

I am very sorry to have to write this message, but I must let you know that the contact person for James Arnold Searight, his brother Thomas Searight of 4 Brooks Place, Baldwinsville, NY passed away October 12, 2006. It is so sad, but now the brothers who lost each other so many years ago are now reunited and at peace in a better place. I miss you both, rest well my friends, until we meet again.

From a very close friend,
Sally A. Gagnon

03 May 2002

Jim was our cousin.
We were at his going away party
and we were at his funeral.

Wayne and Marilyn Garrow

16 Dec 2005

Thank you for your heroism and bravery. Today we enjoy the freedoms that you fought to protect and for this GOD is with you and you are in our hearts and minds - brave Marine, brother, and friend.

From a fellow soldier,
Jasen Thompson


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Between 13 and 18 March 1967 the 1st Bn, 5th Marines, conducted a sweep in the Ly Tin and Tam Ky Districts of Quang Tin Province, about 40 miles south-southeast of Danang. The sweep was in response to information received from Vietnamese villagers indicating the 14th and 706th VC Local Force Companies were operating in the area.

Charlie 1/5 moved into its initial position on the 12th and Operation TIPPECANOE kicked off on the 13th. Charlie 1/5 began patrol activity that morning while at 0930 Bravo and Delta 1/5 began road march movements from the 1/5 base camp to their initial sweep positions.

Charlie 1/5's first contact was at 0810 when a squad patrol was taken under fire at BT325115. One Marine was killed and five wounded in the exchange. Charlie 1/5 continued moving southeast with little contact until 1440, when a firefight broke out at coordinates BT329110, resulting in one Marine killed and four wounded.

Bravo 1/5 had several contacts during the day which resulted in 2 wounded Marines. Delta 1/5's move was unremarkable until 1755 when they engaged a VC outpost; one Marine was killed in the exchange of fires.

The day's engagements were not one-sided; eight to ten VC were killed and two captured while physical evidence indicated a number of other VC were wounded. The three Marines from 1/5 killed in action on 13 March were

  • Charlie Company:
  • Delta Company:
    • Pfc Joseph W. Jenks, Manistique, MI

The description of events is taken from the 1/5
After Action Report for Operation TIPPECANOE.

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