Ronald Saporito
Petty Officer Third Class
United States Navy
Mount Vernon, New York
September 26, 1947 to May 05, 1968
RONALD SAPORITO is on the Wall at Panel 55E, Line 30
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Combat Action Ribbon
Ronald Saporito
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10 May 2006

Ron was a great friend and one of the finest men I have ever known. You could always depend on Ron to be there when you needed him. Thanks for your friendship and my prayers are with your family and friends.

Boat captain and patrol officer,
PBR-130 1968-69,
Joe Mettler

07 Apr 2007

In May 1968, the VC started another campaign which some labeled as a "Mini Tet." For the most part, they were unsuccessful in causing the problems they had in January and most of what we experienced was sporadic increases in action along the rivers. We again had patrols on the upper Bassac. On 5 May, one of them encountered an ambush, which resulted in the near-total destruction of PBR-130 and the loss of Lieutenant Carl Kollmeyer and EM3 Ronald Saporitoa. Carl, the OIC of RIVSEC 511, was a well liked, highly respected person, who was wise to the ways of the river. Unfortunately, for some reason or another, that day he did not follow a basic rule: always have a cover boat. Two 75mm recoilless rifle rounds hit the 130. I went to Chau Doc as soon as we learned what had happened.

The 130's survivors and Carl's body were at Camp Arnn when I arrived. The senior Navy man when I arrived was Lieutenant O'Brien. I knew Obie as we were both from Binh Thuy. He and the others appeared to be in a state of shock about Carl's death. I could not blame them as I had similar feelings. We talked for a while and I hoped it might have helped him in some way. While we were talking, a soldier approached us and said they needed someone to identify Carl's body to finalize the preparations prior to sending it to a mortuary unit. I started to get up, but Obie said, no, he would do it. When he returned, we talked until it was time for me to get in the helo and return to Binh Thuy. Obie later married a civilian nurse named Maggie who had been in Chau Doc during Tet. Binh Thuy dispatched an LCM to bring the 130's hulk back to Binh Thuy. It was in bad shape, floating with only the bow sticking out of the water. However, after a 60-mile trip lashed to the side of an LCM, and then unceremoniously dumped on the riprap at Binh Thuy, it looked as if it was ready for a scrap heap.

Before that time, the standard procedure required sending PBRs requiring extensive repairs to the Ship Repair Facility at Subic Bay, in the Philippines. Although they made the repairs, the incountry forces were not satisfied with the quality of work done there. As NAVSUPPACT Binh Thuy had the repair materials and hull molds, they asked for and got the task of rebuilding the 130. It took several months of long, tedious work, amply supplemented by pride to complete the task. At last, PBR-130, bearing the name USS BINH THUY on its transom, was ready to return to service. The finished product was a thing of beauty, and PBR-130 returned to the river, however without the name on the transom. NAVSUPPACT Det Binh Thuy did a fantastic job restoring the 130. From that point onward, NAVSUPPACT Binh Thuy undertook all major repairs.

by Tom Glickman

From his brother,
Joseph R. Saporito


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Two men from PBR-130 died in this incident - LT Carl Kollmeyer of Hopkins, Minnesota, and EM3 Ronald Saporito. The following report of the action is extracted from the US Naval Forces Vietnam Command History for May 1968, pages 41-44:

Operations in the Bassac River

On 05 May four units of River Section 511 were operating on the upper Bassac River near the city of Chau Doc when word was received from the U. S. Army Special Forces Advisory Team that there was enemy activity down the river. The officer in charge of the patrol boats was asked to investigate. Lieutenant KOLLMEYER's two-boat patrol sped down the river at 0835 to check the area, located about 9 miles southeast of the city. Enroute, however, the cover boat sustained a steering casualty and LT KOLLMEYER elected to continue on alone. Upon arrival two Vietnamese Revolutionary Development (RD) cadre motioned PBR-130 to embark them from the west bank. The two Vietnamese boarded the boat and indicated that the Viet Cong had a recoilless rifle position downstream about 1000 meters. As the two men were pointing to the enemy position, the first round of recoilless rifle fire slammed into the boat's starboard bow at the waterline. The forward gunner was badly wounded and the boat was taking on water. LT KOLLMEYER had the wounded sailor pulled from his mount, meanwhile having the boat captain head for the east bank of the river. The RD cadre jumped from the boat and were not seen again. With the boat listing badly to starboard the wounded gunner and three crewmen were ordered over the side into the protection of the water. The Navy lieutenant quickly called for help from his other units on the radio and then manned the after .50 caliber mount, directing its fire against the enemy position. The forward mount was remanned by another crewman on LT KOLLMEYER's direction and soon was in the action against the Viet Cong.

By the time the boat was beached, automatic weapons fire was coming from enemy positions on the west bank, about 500 meters away. While LT KOLLMEYER radioed for assistance again, the wounded man in the water was pulled ashore. At this time a second recoilless-rifle round hit the boat, impacting on the engine cover and continued directly over the stern. This round inflicted heavy wounds on LT KOLLMEYER who was standing in the coxswain's flat, and EM3 Ronald SAPORITO, USN, who was attempting to retrieve M-60 ammunition for defense on the beach. SAPORITO was rendered unconscious and died before he could reach comprehensive medical attention. The boat captain was slightly wounded and was blown overboard by the blast. He went into a state of shock at this time, went under water, and was subsequently pulled ashore by a crewmember.

There were only two crewmen able to perform their duties and they returned to the boat to pull LT KOLLMEYER out. He had sustained wounds in the legs and lower abdomen and was, at this time, still on the radio requesting assistance and passing vital information. He was then assisted to the beach where first aid was performed on all the wounded. During the approximately one-half hour prior to the arrival of the remaining three boats, three more rounds were fired at the heavily damaged boat and the crew. None hit, but AK-47 automatic rifle fire continued to rain around the Navymen. During the first few minutes off the boat, LT KOLLMEYER maintained his grasp of the situation and command of his tactical unit. It was only when the severity of his wounds and deterioration of his condition became apparent, that his shipmates realized he was dying. About 1015 the other PBRs arrived on the scene and engaged the enemy receiving only light fire in return. The wounded were embarked and evacuated to Chau Doc. LT KOLLMEYER died before he could reach medical attention.

PBR-130, although almost completely demolished, was later taken in tow and returned to the GAME WARDEN Base at Binh Thuy for repairs.

Barely recognizable as a Navy gunboat, the remains of PBR-130, damaged on the upper Bassac River on 05 May, await repair at the Naval Support Activity Detachment, Binh Thuy.

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