Jose Salazar
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Lansing, Michigan
November 18, 1946 to October 12, 1967
JOSE SALAZAR is on the Wall at Panel 27E, Line 95
See the full profile or name rubbing for Jose Salazar


23 Apr 2004

To my brother Joe who had one of the biggest hearts I know. Even though I was young when you left us, I've never for one moment forgotten who you were and what you meant to me.

Love from your
Sister Frances
E-mail address is not available.

11 Aug 2004

Dear Private Salazar,

Thank you for your ultimate sacrifice, for fighting side by side with many heroic men but especially for being there with my Father, SSgt Malcolm P. Libbey. Your efforts and service, via radio transmissions, saved many lives. You are always a Hero and will never be forgotten. Rest Peacefully.

From SSgt Malcolm Pierce Libbey's daughter,
Maryann Libbey


A Note from The Virtual Wall

MACV's Advisory Team 86, with the 4th Bn, 50th ARVN Regiment, lost two men killed in action on 12 October 1967:

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