Charles Edward Rogers
United States Air Force
Gary, Indiana
November 16, 1928 to May 04, 1967
CHARLES E ROGERS is on the Wall at Panel 19E, Line 40
See the full profile or name rubbing for Charles Rogers

Charles E Rogers
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01 Dec 2003


It's been 36 years since you left us. The time and distance has not changed our love for you or the loss we all feel. We know you are watching over all of us every day.

Mom has never recovered from your loss! I guess a love that deep never fades away. One day the two of you will be together again and can keep an eye on all of us.

We all have children now, some in college and some in diapers. One day we will have grandchildren and we will share our memories of you with them.

We love you and miss you and will always keep you in our hearts!



February 19th 2005

Dad, today mom gave up her earthly search for you and now knows for sure what happened to you.

Her years of waiting on the government to provide an answer are over, yet for us the wait continues.

We buried mom with you at Arlington, they had to move your marker since your original spot under the oak tree was only for memorials. It was a cold day and when we arrived - it started to snow which I think mom would have wanted after living in Florida for 40 years.

We love you and miss you both.

God Bless

Kerry, Kristie, Emily, Noah and Ethan

From his son,
Kerry Rogers

RogersCE01d.jpg RogersCE01f.jpg
This photo, taken in January 1967, shows the 29 officers assigned to the 1st Air Commando Squadron. Major Rogers is sixth from the left in the front row - still wearing "railroad tracks" rather than a Major's oak leaf (he was promoted to Major on 20 Jan 1967). By years' end four of these men would be dead - and two more besides. The 1st ACS's losses in 1967 were
  • 25 Feb LtCol Joseph L. Hart, Afton, WY
  • 04 May Major Charles E. Rogers, Gary, IN
  • 04 Jun LtCol Lewis M. Robinson, Saginaw, MI *
  • 21 Jun Capt Darrell J. Spinler, Browns Valley, MN
  • 06 Oct Major Frank A. Armstrong, Shreveport, LA
  • 31 Dec Major Glenn A. Belcher, Fessenden, ND *
* Not in photo


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Charles E. Rogers enlisted in the Navy shortly after his 17th birthday and began his 3-year enlistment on 24 January 1946. Rated a Fireman (that's a shipboard propulsion rate, not a fire-fighter), in March 1948 he went though Submarine School and earned his Dolphins before leaving active duty on 25 Jan 1949.

After separation from active duty, he attended Indiana University, receiving a BS degree in marketing in 1954 ... and was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the Air Force on 28 May 1954.

In the spring of 1955 he started flight training with the 3560th Pilot Training Wing at Webb Air Force Base, Texas. After receiving his wings, 2nd Lt Rogers was assigned to the 85th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron at Scott AFB, flying F-86D and F-86L Sabrejet. The photo above was taken while he was assigned to the 85th FIS. (Note: one of his squadronmates from the 85th FIS, Major James H. Metz , was shot down over North Vietnam on 15 Apr 1968).

In 1967 he was serving with the 1st Air Commando Squadron at Pleiku AB, flying the A-1 Skyraider. On 04 May 1967, Major Rogers was flying A-1E tail number 52-132638, one of a flight targeted against a truck park near Attopeu in southern Laos. While making a napalm run at 500 feet, Rogers' Skyraider was hit by antiaircraft fire and dived into the ground. It was clear to his wingmen that Major Rogers had no opportunity to escape the stricken aircraft before impact and was probably killed in the crash, but search-and-rescue efforts were undertaken anyway. No contact was made with Major Rogers, nor did the SAR forces find any evidence that he survived the crash. He was classed as Killed in Action/Body not Recovered. His remains have not been repatriated.

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