Angelo Cesare Raptis, Jr
Private First Class
Army of the United States
New York, New York
August 22, 1943 to August 14, 1967
ANGELO C RAPTIS Jr is on the Wall at Panel 24E, Line 110
See the full profile or name rubbing for Angelo Raptis



Angelo and I both entered the service on 13 Feb 1967, to the best of my recollection, as inductees at the Worth Street Station in Manhattan. Both of us being Bronx boys, we met on the bus to Ft. Jackson for Basic Training. Interestingly, our Service Numbers were one digit apart: his was US52757986, mine was US52757987 with "Raptis" and "Quinn" being inducted on that day.

We got to know each other during Basic and both shared the same ethics and values; our friendship was a natural one. One day we went to the Post PX and had one of those goofy photos (4 for a Dollar) that you usually did with your girlfriend or your cousin. I was the goof, he smiled; both with our bald shaven heads without black hair. We spent quiet time now and again quietly writing letters on sunny afternoons off from training. We were sure the Army would place us in our trained skills (me a Licensed Aircraft Mechanic, and he a Licenced Undertaker following in his family's footsteps) but the Army had other plans and into the Infantry we went! Angelo was a fine person and unfortunately lost during the conflict. I was saddened the day one of our Basic Training buddies told me he had been killed. We had gone to different units; I went to the 25th Infantry and Angelo to the 11th Armored Cavalry. I never saw him after Basic.

The last time I spoke to him, however, was on my last visit to the Wall in Washington. I touched his engraved name and was sure he heard me. Angelo's hair never did turn grey like mine ... what a pity.


A memorial from his Friend In Service,
William D. Quinn
E-mail address is not available. 24 May 2001

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