William Roland Prewitt
Lance Corporal
United States Marine Corps
Florien, Louisiana
September 28, 1946 to August 01, 1967
WILLIAM R PREWITT is on the Wall at Panel 24E, Line 62
See the full profile or name rubbing for William Prewitt

Combat Action Ribbon
William R Prewitt
usmc120.gif 3rdmaf.gif 3mardiv.gif

04 Jun 2000

We knew and remember him as "Roland."

Semper Fi,
Glen Norris

15 Apr 2005

As of April 15, 2005, Roland's mother is still living. His father is not. How wonderful it would be for Roland's mother and his extended family to have more details of what happened to him. Some of Roland's relatives wonder if the injuries he received did not kill him, and thus, if he was taken prisoner.

26 Dec 2005

Roland's primary next of kin were advised that Roland was taken captive and died in captivity. Efforts to locate his remains have failed.

From the wife of Roland's cousin.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The Marines' Combined Action Program placed a reinforced squad in Vietnamese villages where they lived, ate, worked and fought alongside the villagers and the local militia. Until late 1968 the CAP was run by the 1st and 3rd Marine Divisions. Sub-Unit 4, HQ Battalion, 3rd Marine Division, then commanded by LtCol R. J. KELLER, USMC, was the Division's CAP unit consisting of two Combined Action Companies - CAC Alpha and CAC Hotel. LCpl Prewitt was assigned to a CAC Hotel unit, CAP Hotel-6, located at Nuoc Ngot, Phu Loc District, Thua Thien Province. In August 1967 CACs Alpha and Hotel were under the operational control of the 2nd Bn, 26th Marines.

The following extracts from 3rd MarDiv and 2/26 reports for August 1967 explain what happened to LCpl Prewitt:

From 2nd Bn, 26th Marines (Spot Report):
    A. CAC Hotel-6
    B. 011145H
    C. ZC163987
    D. At above time/coord members of CAC-H6 observed drone plane dropping. Two helos picked up drone plane. A parachute dropped from drone plane at above coord. H6 sent out patrol to retrieve parachute. Three members did not return from patrol. Three personnel passed word to the radio watch that they would catch ride up the road and cut off the rest of the patrol. At 011945H the patrol returned to CP less three persons. Prior to patrol returning CO noticed fire on ridgeline 600-1000 meters from parachute drop. Sounded like M26 grenades and patrol heard automatic weapons fire at ZC163987. Notified CAC Hotel. They responded no friendlies in that area. As of yet these persons have not returned.
    E. At first light an activity patrol will be sent off to search area.
    H. 3 MIA
Entry #44, 020945H Aug 1967,
3rd MarDiv Operations Log

From CAC Phu Bai (Spot Report):
    A. CAC-H6
    B. 011830H
    C. ZC177985
    D. Patrol was dispatched from CAC-H6. Three men became separated from patrol and made conatct with twosquad sized VC/NVA units at two different times.
    E. Exchanged fire with enemy. Received many incoming grenades, broke contact at dark. Returned to CAC-H6 at 021030H. KIA USMC body not recovered. Both returning Marines from patrol verified death of third Marine. He had 5 bullet holes four of which were in chest.
    F. 1 KIA
    G. 2 WIA (minor)
Entry #75, 021451H Aug 1967,
3rd MarDiv Operations Log

3. Contacts:

    A. At 011830H, CAC-H6 patrol was dispatched from CAC-H6. Three men became separated from patrol and made contact with two squad size VC/NVA units vicinity ZC177985. At two different times exchanged small arms fire with enemy, received many incoming grenades, broke contact at dark, returned to CAC H6 at 021030H. KIA USMC body not received [sic]. Both returning Marines from patrol verified death of third Marine. He had five (5) bullet holes. Four of which were in chest. Results of action (1) friendly KIA, (2) friendly WIA, (2) enemy KIA confirmed, (7) enemy KIA probable.
2/26 Marines Situation Report, 03 August 1967

4. Significant Events

    1 Aug 1967 - At 1830H, three Marines became separated from CAC-H6 and made contact with two squad-size VC/NVA units at ZC177985. Results 1 USMC KIA, body not recovered, 2 USMC WIA. 2 enemy KIA confirmed, 7 enemy KIA probable.

       Ref: Annex A
2/26 Marines Narrative Chronology for August 1967

The two Marines with LCpl Prewitt both stated that Prewitt had died of gunshot wounds, and that they were unable to bring his body with them while they evaded the VC/NVA during the night of 01/02 August. Lance Corporal Prewitt accordingly was classed as Killed in Action/Body not Recovered.

A week later there was something more:

From 2nd Bn, 26th Marines (Spot Report):
    A. HQ 2/26
    B. 092015H
    D. NCOIC of CAC-H6 interviewed a civilian from area south of CAC-H6. Civilian reported that Marine MIA on 01 Aug and KIA on 02 Aug from CAC-H6 was paraded through hamlets south of CAC-H6 last night. Marine was reported to be shot in arm and had shrapnel in chest. He is being detained in VC hospital in mountains.
    E. Hotel Company 2/26 searched for individual with negative results.
Entry #137, 092148H Aug 1967,
3rd MarDiv Operations Log

4. Significant Events

    B. Hotel Company 2/26 at 092015 reported that Plt commander at CAP-H6 at ZD140008 received info that Marine MIA from CAP-H6 was paraded through hamlets south of CAP-H6. Marines was reported wounded. H/2/26 searched area with negative results.
2/26 Marines Situation Report, 10 August 1967

4. Significant Events

    9 Aug 1967 - At 2015, plt commander at CAP-H6 at ZD140008 received info that Marine MIA (1 Aug 67) from CAP-H6 was paraded through hamlets south of CAP-H6. Marine was reported wounded. H Company searched area with negative results.
    * Being carried as KIA

       Ref: Annex A
2/26 Marines Narrative Chronology for August 1967

The report that LCpl Prewitt was captured alive could not be confirmed, nor could reports that he subsequently died. If his injuries were reported accurately by the Marines with him it seems unlikely that he survived four gunshot wounds to the chest.

Although LCpl Prewitt's remains have not been repatriated, there's a marker for him at Plot 7, Row 3, of the Pisgah Baptist Church Cemetery, Sabine Parrish, Louisiana. His father, Henry Lee Prewitt, is buried in Plot 8.

The photo at the top of the page is taken from the POW Network site, where it is introduced with the following caption:

"Gene was a good friend of Roland's and took the picture in Phu Bai while they were both with 3rd Bn 26th Marines. This was before Roland became part of SU4 HQ Bn 3rd Marine Division. SU4 was made up of Combined Action Companies (CAC) Alpha and Hotel. Roland was in Hotel-6 when he was KIA.
[Photo] Courtesy of Gene Weresow."

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