Preston Wayne Polk
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Whitlash, Montana
October 05, 1947 to November 20, 1966
PRESTON W POLK is on the Wall at Panel 12E, Line 97
See the full profile or name rubbing for Preston Polk

Preston W Polk
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16 March 1999

Preston Wayne Polk was my brother.

I would love to hear from someone who knew him in the military.

Jim Polk

31 Jul 2004

Preston had a home of record of Whitlash, Montana, but he attended schools in Odessa, Texas when he was growing up. He is remembered by Ector County, Texas and also by the Permian Basin Vietnam Veterans Memorial located at the Midland International Airport, Midland, Texas. May his sacrifice never be forgotten.

From a Permian Basin Vietnam Memorial Representative,
Billy M. Brown

01 Nov 2005

I was able to contact Preston's uncle, Bill Polk, in Kansas City, who gave me much of the family information and let me use a picture of Preston. Once I saw the picture of Preston, I recognized him from our Bowie Junior High Days. According to the family, Preston was killed in Kontum Province when his platoon ran into a battalion of NVA and were overrun. Of the 20 men in his platoon, only one survived by playing dead. Preston was alive when relief came, but died from gunshot wounds at a medical evacuation hospital some five hours later. Preston is buried in Odessa, Texas at the Sunset Memorial Gardens Cemetery, near many of the other Odessans who perished in Vietnam. Sue Wilson, the sister of Alfred Mac Wilson, Medal of Honor, told me how to get to Preston's final resting place. She states when she is in Odessa, she visits Preston's grave as well as that of her brother, Mac.

From a PBVMM Representative,
Billy M. Brown
4015 Melody Lane, Odessa, Texas 79762


A Note from The Virtual Wall

According to Department of Defense records, PFC Polk was assigned to C Company, 2nd Bn, 8th Cavalry. The Battalion is known to have lost five men, including PFC Polk, during the 30 days prior to Polk's death:
  • PFC Danny E. Hyde, Sunset, B Company, UT, 10/21/1966 (DNH)
  • PFC Wallace A. Abbott, Milan, TN, C Company, 11/04/1966 (DNH)
  • PFC Claude C. Supinger, Centreville, B Company, VA, 11/05/1966 (KIA)
  • SGT Charlie Lyles, Greenville, SC, C Company, 11/17/1966 (DNH)
  • PFC Preston W. Polk, Whitlash, MT, C Company, 11/20/1966 (DoW)
Three of the deaths were due to accidents (DNH), two to hostile action.

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