John Robert Peacock, II
United States Marine Corps
Kailua, Hawaii
September 04, 1946 to February 25, 1976
(Incident Date October 12, 1972)
JOHN R PEACOCK II is on the Wall at Panel W1, Line 81
See the full profile or name rubbing for John Peacock


23 May 2001


Following the 1972 Spring Offensive by the North Vietnamese, the United States began a concerted bombing campaign against North Vietnam and the NVA-occupied areas of Laos, Cambodia, and South Vietnam.

On October 12, 1972, Captain John R. Peacock, pilot, and 1Lt William M. Price, bombardier-navigator, were assigned a combat mission over North Vietnam. Their last known location was about 15 miles west of Dong Hoi in Quang Binh Province, North Vietnam. When the aircraft (A-6A BuNo 155700) failed to return to base, the two were listed as Missing in Action.

Peacock and Price were not acknowledged as POWs by the North Vietnamese, and they were not released with the American POWs in the spring of 1973. A presumptive finding of "Died while Missing" eventually was issued for both men. Their remains have not been repatriated (May 2001).

They are not forgotten.

Jennifer M. Rodrigues

12 Oct 2005

I proudly wear Captain Peacock's MIA bracelet.
Never forget...

Lillian Perkins

26 Dec 2005

I wear Captain John R. Peacock's bracelet.
To all who have fought and have died,

Joe Thornton

07 Mar 2006

I am honored to wear the MIA bracelet of
John Robert Peacock II
May God bless all those who served
in the Vietnam War.
You are not forgotten!!!

Karen Lemon, RN

20 Jun 2006

The Great Cross of Christ at Jumonville


Greetings, love and grace my brother in Christ to our brothers as well. We wish upon stars at night and many times those wishes come true. I wish upon every star in the sky to see you again soon. I miss you, my friend and brother, and I long to see your face shining amongst the sunshine in freedom. I believe our Father is still in the miracle business and I know there lies a miracle for you. I know you are alive, I know you are coming back, but what you need to know more than anything is that you are wanted and needed back here where you belong with all of us. You are loved far greater than you could ever know and have not once been forgotten in my heart. I lift you before God my Father and yours and lay you at His feet. He is in control and I pray that if it is pleasing to Him and in His Holy will, that soon I will see the blessed face of my brother home where he belongs. I think of you every day and keep you surrounded in my prayers with all the love I can send so far a distance, yet there is no distance too far that separates hearts when you are one family in Christ. Time heals all wounds they say and I have found that to be true, love is greater than any pain, no matter how deep or old that pain is, when you have the love of family and the greatest love of all, the love of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, what is pain? In your time of trouble lean on your brothers and sister who love you in truth which lies in us all from the beginning and forever more. What is our truth, John my brother? Do you remember once upon a time so very long ago, yet only yesterday? I do and I want it back but it can't be done without you. Although I have much to write to you and more to say than any words could ever fill a letter or a book, I would rather not use paper and ink, rather I hope to have you come to see me and we can talk face to face, so that our joy and family can be complete. You never did come for that visit, John, and we have much to discuss. I am waiting. Nothing is complete without you here, brother.

With all the love and grace of our Lord Jesus,
I am forever your baby sister.

17 Jul 2006


Thick and thin, through and through, whatever may come, I go with you, Through days of sunshine and clouds of white, on days of darkness and shadows of grey, hand in hand, side by side, where ever you go, I go with you. No matter the distance you will never be alone and you will always be loved and always wanted home. There is a place where we belong, and we are on our way, almost home. Hold tight to the hands that reach for yours and embrace the love that embraces you.

Soon ... very, very soon, we will both be where we belong. I long to see you. I need you and love you from the beginning into forever.

Always, Julie

09 Sep 2006


Home is where the heart is ... and your home is with me. Your home is where you are loved and needed and wanted ... with Michael, the kids and me. No family gathering is complete in my home without my beloved brother at my table and knowing you are down the hall sleeping.

You build a house with love and grace, a home is built from the joy of having those you love, your family, grow in it with you in the love and faith of Christ and the joy of being together, feeling complete. John, Michael and my family is not complete without you in it. We need you and want you in our home. How lucky our little ones are to have such an incredible Uncle to come back to us. Come home brother, we love you and miss you and most of all, our family is lost without you. The chicken soup and blueberry pie are waiting.

You have a home, and a family waiting...
Michael, Julie, and kids

From his family,
Michael, Julie and kids

09 Aug 2007

I have worn Captain John Robert Peacock's MIA Bracelet for thirty years. A man I never had the pleasure to meet. As I visited the Wall in D.C. this weekend I felt the need to learn more about him - and I finally have a face to go with the name that I have prayed for all these years. God bless his family and friends. To all the men and women who gave their lives in the Vietnam War - YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN!!!

From MIA bracelet,
Sherry VanEyll
E-mail address is not available.

12 Dec 2007

I wanted to extend to the Peacock family my thoughts and prays. My father, William Marshall Price, was John's navigator. I know the years go by but this The Virtual Wall of memories and prayers is a wonderful thing for us both. We wish all the family our best.

The Peterlin's,
Marshall, Jackie, Wiley, Max and Price Christine

Marshall Peterlin

15 Jan 2008

In September of 1964, Rob (as we knew him) came from his island home of Hawaii to the granite hills of New Hampshire to enroll at Dartmouth College. He was a good friend to many of his classmates in the Class of 1968.

This year we are celebrating our 40th Class Reunion in June, and I have been calling classmates to promote participation in our reunion. A number of them have mentioned Rob with fondness and respect. We could always count on Rob; he was a gentleman, a fine human being, and a true patriot. We remember him with great affection.

I have known for many years that Rob was MIA, but since I first read his panel on The Virtual Wall in 2000 I have wished more than ever for a resolution to his fate. I believe that some day he will come home. Meanwhile, Semper Fi, LOTF, old friend.

From a friend,
Peter Wonson

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