James Lloyd Parsons
First Lieutenant
United States Marine Corps
Warsaw, Missouri
March 10, 1945 to April 19, 1968
JAMES L PARSONS is on the Wall at Panel 50E, Line 52
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James L Parsons
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14 Feb 2005

I remember Jim as good-looking, popular with the girls, an athlete, and also as the kind and gentle human being he was. We were in the same class in High School and were both in Vietnam.I've often wondered why I came home and he didn't and over the years have come to realize that God had a special task for him and took him in the prime of his youth. Jimmy left behind a lot of friends both at home and in his unit and we all miss him. I make a point of visiting Jim every time I get to our home town. I go by myself so we can talk to each other. Jim, you're in our hearts and minds and we'll never forget you.

Semper Fi

From a friend,
Harlan L Harmon
Sp/4 84th Engineers Vietnam
Rte 2 Box 412, Greenfield, Missouri 65661

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