Harold Earl Musselman
Lance Corporal
United States Marine Corps
Centerville, Indiana
May 01, 1949 to March 03, 1969
HAROLD E MUSSELMAN is on the Wall at Panel W30, Line 21
See the full profile or name rubbing for Harold Musselman

Combat Action Ribbon
Harold E Musselman
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Killed in action in Vietnam and buried in family plot (mom and dad now interred there also) at Crown Hill Cemetery, Centerville, Indiana:


Last photograph taken of LCPL Harold E Musselman on one of his patrols at some time before he was killed in action.


-- The Virtual Wall

LCPL Musselman was killed while on patrol. The patrol had the mission to conduct a reconnaissance of the Men Giang area (Grid YC 9736) and observe and report all enemy traffic along route 14.They were to be prepared and call and adjust artillery or air strikes on all targets of opportunity in support of Operation TAYLOR COMMON.

The patrol was inserted into the jungle on 1 March at 12:44 hours. The period of the patrol covered 45 hours with one sighting of approximately 10 VC/NVA crossing the river in 2 boats. This event happened on 2 March at 12:30 hours in vicinity of YC 967360. Several bundles remained in the boats after enemy crossed the river. They dragged the boats into the heavy canopy along the river bank. One fire mission was called with good coverage of the area and enemy casualties unknown due to heavy cover and concealment. They continued patrol until they set up their night defensive perimeter.

On 3 March, at 0200 hours, in the vicinity of YC978?364, the patrol received 5 or 6 incoming rounds of artillery fire from unknown source (later noted to be 'friendly') which resulted in the death of LCPL Musselman as well as two wounded Marines. The patrol was hoisted out of the jungle at grid YC979363 at 09:35 hours on 3 March with the dead and wounded.

-- The Virtual Wall

Information shows that LCPL Harold Earl Musselman was predeceased by his brother, Robert Eugene Musselman who was killed in the Army in Vietnam 18 months prior and his parents, Kenneth Gayle Musselman (Apr. 25, 1921 - May 23, 2005), a US Army Tech 4 in WWII and Catherine (Bickel) Musselman (Aug. 21, 1927 - Oct. 25, 1996).

He was survived by four brothers: Kenneth Paul Musselman (Dec. 22, 1956 - Feb. 20, 2007) US Air Force veteran; Hugh E., Mark D., and Daniel.

He also was survived by 6 sisters: Linda L., Doris A., Pamela, Betty, Catherine S., and Kendra G.

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