Bernie Jack Mosley
United States Navy
Hot Springs, Arkansas
September 20, 1947 to March 27, 1968
BERNIE JACK MOSLEY is on the Wall at Panel 46E, Line 48
See the full profile or name rubbing for Bernie Mosley

Combat Action Ribbon
Bernie J Mosley
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13 June 2005


I never knew my Uncle Bernie Jack. He is a hero to me, as well as his brothers in arms, because of the sacrifices they made for the country that we love so much.

I have been honored by being given my uncle's name and I try every day to honor his memory by my actions. To those brave warriors who knew my uncle and served with him I envy you.

God Bless you all and God Bless America.

Bernie Jack Mosley


Michael Leo Doane and my Uncle Jack, who were killed the same day.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Hospitalman Bernie J. Mosley was assigned to Headquarters and Service Company, 2nd Battalion, 1st Marines, but like most Corpsmen he spent his time with a rifle platoon. On 27 March 1968, the 2/1 Marines lost six men - one from Echo Company, four from Fox, and one from H&S:
  • Cpl Michael L. Doane, Browning, MT, Fox 2/1
  • Cpl Carter L. Moore, Ilion, NY, Fox 2/1
  • LCpl Donald C. Emery, Portland, OR, Echo 2/1
  • LCpl Paul J. Moody, East St Louis, IL, Fox 2/1
  • HN Bernie J. Mosley, Hot Springs, AR, H&S 2/1
  • Pfc Robert E. Lucas, Oak Grove, VA, Fox 2/1
The "unknown Marine" in the photo above is Corporal Michael Doane.


"You guys are the Marine's doctors -
There's none better in the business than a Navy Corpsman ..."
-- Lieutenant General "Chesty" Puller --

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Army Medics and Navy Corpsmen who died in Vietnam.

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