Denzell Ray Mills
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Newfane, New York
December 30, 1948 to October 16, 1967
DENZELL R MILLS is on the Wall at Panel 28E, Line 16
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Denzell R Mills
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01 Feb 2003

My Brother-in-law Denzell

On the day that we met
You were only 8 years old.
You were living in New York State.
The weather was very cold.

I married your brother James
in March of that year.
I was accepted by you,
I had nothing to fear.

Your arms were opened wide,
You welcomed me with a smile.
You decorated our first apartment.
It took you quite a while.

You spent a lot of time
With James and with me.
We enjoyed your company,
It was plain to see.

You always made us laugh.
You kept us in a good mood.
You enjoyed midget wrestling.
You enjoyed our food.

You shared your love
With the two girls we had.
To have you for an uncle
Really made them glad.

You were with all of us
Before you went away.
We had so much fun
We laughed a lot that day.

There will never be another you.
For you, we can't replace.
We would give everything we have
To see you smile, to see your face.

We are thankful to God,
Who is in Heaven above,
That He allowed us to know you
And experience your love.

You are sadly missed by all of us.

James, Sue, Benita, and Jeannie

8 Nov 2001

I was 17 when you were killed in Viet Nam. We never really got to know each other, but I do love you and wear your KIA bracelet every day to let people know how much you gave for them. You ARE a hero. I'll never forget!!!

A memorial initiated by his cousin,

09 May 2002

Long ago it must be, I have a photograph.
Preserve your memory, they're all that's left of you.
Forever in my heart.

From a friend,
Nancy Powley Weber

07 Mar 2003

I didn't know you but I will always think about you whenever I feel sad and think about how you would do to make me better. I love the stories that everybody told about how you made everybody laugh and sometimes cry with all the laughter.

From his great-nephew,
John Lennon Mills

26 Jul 2004

Losing you left a large void in our family and the pain is still very present more than 35 years later. I hope you know how much you are loved, missed and remembered. Your picture hangs on the living room wall of my parents, your Aunt Rachel and Uncle Arland, along with other family veterans. We call it the military wall. I wish I could tell you how proud I am of you. I was young when we lost you, but I remember your teasing, playful ways. When I go to "The Wall" or the "Moving Wall", I touch your name and it is almost like touching you. After the rush of tears, I feel comfort and a kind of peace that lets me know you are in a MUCH better place. I always have the same effect everytime I touch your name, it is like the first time every time. I just wish we could have spent more time with you, but you are in so many hearts you will NEVER be forgotten. Even children born YEARS after your death know about you and the sacrifice you made. Once when I was at the Moving Wall in Cleveland a local reporter caught me on film touching your name and crying. He approached me later and asked if he could put it on the news that evening. I told him yes, anything to get your name out there and to get people to see the wall. I know you and Larry (your cousin) are together, both of you Vietnam Veterans. Although you are buried hundreds of miles apart, the memorial plaque that Larry had placed next to your mothers' grave on top of that mountain in West Virginia is also now next to his own grave. The American Flag and the POW/MIA flag flies overhead. Larry lost his battle with cancer caused by his exposure to Agent Orange while in Vietnam. He had so much love, respect and honor for you. He had just returned from Vietnam 7 months when you were sent over. Now, years later, both of your names will forever be "in sight" as a bridge in West Virginia will be dedicated in your honor and be named the:

Denzell R. Mills
Larry R. Hatcher
Memorial Bridge

Anyone passing near it will see the names and, hopefully, will think about how courageous you were and how you made the ultimate sacrifice. I know on the day of the dedication, you and Larry will be looking down on all of us standing on your bridge and know how very much you are loved and missed. We will never stop making attempts like this to keep your names alive.

From a cousin,
Beverly Vera
2764 Zenobia Rd, Norwalk, Ohio

15 Jul 2006

I did not have the honor of meeting you due to me being born in 1969, but my father Larry R. Hatcher spoke of you often. He was very proud of you. He did not speak much about the war but when he did you were mentioned.

My father wore a belt buckle that had a saying on the back of it and what he did was made a plaque in your memory and placed it next to your mother's headstone so that the family will see it when we visit the mountain. To see my father's eyes on that day you could see how proud he was of that. I was not able to be there that day but I do have pictures of it and he was just so proud. A while later my father was struck with cancer. I think he knew what he was doing when he made that plaque because he now lays next to it and I have the honor of having the belt buckle that reminds me of a great father and a hero that I never met but am very proud and thankful for you both.

Now there is a bridge in West Virginia named after two fallen heros: Denzell R. Mills and Larry R. Hatcher.

My father used to tell me that "He died over there, but he just waited until he came home to lay down." I never knew what he meant by that but I think he knew what was going to happen down the road... I am very proud to have the bloodline of two fallen heros and always will.

From Denzell's second cousin and Larry's son,
Larry R. Hatcher

17 Sep 2007

I will always remember the good times we had. Playing softball for the church, having lunch at your house, going out and just enjoying our youth. I think about our friendship every time I ride by your house, across from the school. I wonder about your brother, and what became of his life. I still have a letter from a female friend from school, talking about your relationship. I will always cherish our friendship.

Your Friend, Mark

Mark Dearborn Sr.

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