Guy Lamar Mears, Jr
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Rockmart, Georgia
January 16, 1950 to October 17, 1970
GUY L MEARS Jr is on the Wall at Panel W6, Line 5
See the full profile or name rubbing for Guy Mears

Guy L Mears
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Guy L Mears



Washington, D.C.
No. 23 30 May 1972

I. DISTINGUISHED SERVICE CROSS. By direction of the President, under the provisions of the act of Congress approved 25 July 1963, the Distinguished Service Cross for extraordinary heroism in action is awarded (posthumously) to:

     Specialist Four Guy L. Mears, United States Army, 254th Medical Detachment, who distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism in action in the Republic of Vietnam on 17 October 1970. On that date Specialist Mears was serving as a crew chief aboard a medical evacuation helicopter near Tuy Hoa, Republic of Vietnam. The helicopter exploded and started burning as a result of enemy fire. Specialist Mears escaped from the burning aircraft unharmed, but when he discovered the pilot of the aircraft remained trapped inside he re-entered the fiercely burning aircraft at the risk of his life in order to save the lives of fellow crew members. Specialist Mears continued his brave rescue attempt with total disregard for his own safety until he became incapacitated by mortal burns. Specialist Mears' conspicuous gallantry, extraordinary heroism, and intrepidity at the cost of his own life are in the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit on him, and the United States Army.

10 Oct 2004


My cousin was Guy Lamar Mears, Jr ... killed in the crash on Oct. 17, 1970.

Helicopter UH-1H 69-15466 incident on Oct. 17,1970

I would really love to have all the information you could provide me with ... I was only 16 when Guy died, and, of course ... it had a profound influence on my life.

As a matter of fact, I could not even watch a war movie ... for 31 years. Then, I finally watched "Pearl Harbor", and, I guess 31 years of grief came out ... I cried for hours and hours ... all over again.

Guy and I were very close when we were growing up. I was so excited when he married and they were expecting their first child. Just a couple of weeks from delivery ... Guy was to be allowed to come home. Then, the crash ... I still remember hearing my grandmother taking the "call" ... talking about she knew how much they wanted that baby. I thought Barbara had lost the baby ... due to RH- complications ... but, I never even contemplated it was about Guy.

I was devastated! And it was the most heart-wrenching funeral ... there she was, 9 months pregnant, the closed casket, the gun salute ... then, the delivery of his son ... if I recall correctly, the next morning after the funeral.

My extended family no longer keeps in touch ... so, I would appreciate any information in regard to Guy ... to properly honor his memory and service ... and his ultimate sacrifice.


God Bless,
Susan D. Wiseman

Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2006

Wow, Guy ... can't believe it's been 36 years since we lost you.

I still have vivid memories of you... then, the memories of losing you, the funeral, etc.

I miss you, think of you so often, I wish you could have had a long healthy life...such a tragedy, to have lost you, so young.

I wish I knew more about you and your short adult life, to properly honor your memory and sacrifice.

I wish your friends and family would post memories regarding you, your service, your son, etc.

No one should be forgotten.

I, for one ... can NEVER FORGET you!

Guy, I've always told my kids about you, your service, your ultimate sacrifice ... I'm SO proud to call you "cousin" ... I'm always trying to instill in my kids, a deep love and patriotism ... and, especially, an appreciation for the sacrifices of ALL those, who have served this GREAT NATION!

Now that God's called us into Full-Time Music Ministry and you inspired me to write the song, "6 West-Line 5" (Go There For Me) ... I feel like I'm really doing something to keep your memory alive.

Larry and I just performed for the Military Writer's Society's "Salute to the Military" conference.

Guy, I tell EVERYONE I come in contact with, about you.

I've given away thousands of cds with your song, photo included ... may your memory, ultimate sacrifice ... stir the hearts and souls of many.

May you NEVER be forgotten.

I do realize the day will come, when I'll no longer be here, to help keep your memory alive.

This song your memory inspired, "6 West-Line 5" - (Go There For Me) will go on ... long after I'm gone, too.

Literally, thousands, and, thousands of folks have heard it, and, countless websites use it ... so, there's great comfort in knowing you will live on.

Your bravery and ultimate sacrifice are always heavy on my heart, especially now, as our son, SPC David Dale serves in IRAQ.

Not much has changed in this world, in many ways.

Seems like there's always wars ... good and bad.

Thankfully, we still live in a nation, where FREEDOM is a way of life, and, young men and women are willing to step forward and put their lives on the line, to protect our liberties, as well as pave the way for liberty for others.

You'd be proud of our son, David ... wish you could have known him ... all my kids, wish I could have known your son, too.

There's so much in life, that we don't have control of, but, I want to always do what I can ... to honor you, Guy.

For those of you who read this, I loved this young man.

Guy had a difficult life, most of which I could not write about.

He didn't deserve to die so young.

I don't question God, I don't have to "understand" why.

Someday, I'm sure God will explain it all.

Guy, watch over our David, you and all your brother's in arms.

May you live forever, in ALL our hearts and, may your memory survive, until the end of mankind!

"FREEDOM is NEVER free!"

I love you, Guy ... "Susie"

In Loving Memory of my cousin
Guy Lamar Mears, Jr.
Vietnam Casualty - KIA - October 17, 1970

"6 WEST - LINE 5"
(Go There for Me)

Sunrise to sunset line after line,
Thousands of names on a wall,
Stand frozen in time.

Thousands of stories that will never be told,
Thousands of young men and women;
Who will never grow old.

For their sunrise and sunsets were a much different time,
When by the tens of thousands;
They came lived and, died.

Lives caught in a balance,
Between Heaven and, Hell;
In a place where honor and glory would cover our dead.

Each one of the fallen now, a name on "The Wall,"
In the order they fell;
Before you now standing tall.

So, each time you come here,
Would you fall to "your" knees;
And, when you rise Salute them ALL,
And, would you "Touch One" for me?

6 West - Line 5
Just one name you'll see,
Long after I'm gone;
Would you go there for me?

Tell him "I Loved Him"
Tell them you're FREE,
Don't let them be forgotten;
Go there for me!

Sunrise to sunset line after line,
By the thousands they'll come to "The Wall";
And, reflect on that time.

And, when the day comes
No one comes who knows them by name,
Tell them for us not one died in vain!

From East to West
For each name that you see,
Long after we're gone;
Go there for me!

Tell them "We Loved Them"
Tell them you're FREE!
Don't let it be forgotten,

ï¿ 1/2 Copyright - October 2004
- Susan D. Wiseman - "The Tribute Lady"

From Guy's cousin "Susie",
Susan D. Wiseman - "the Tribute Lady "
P. O. Box 1591, Fayetteville, Ga. 30214-1591


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 45th Medical Company's 254th Medical Detachment lost a helicopter, UH-1H tail number 69-15466, on 17 Oct 1970. The aircraft had been sent on a medevac mission in support of Republic of Korea troops operating north of Vong Rho Bay. The Huey was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade and went in on a mountaintop south of Tuy Hoa. Another Huey responded to the "Mayday" call, landed alongside the wreckage, and took aboard the sole survivor (a flight medic with a broken back). The other three aircrewmen died in the crash:
  • CWO Gary W. Engelhardt, Muncie, IN, pilot
  • CWO John R. Bregler, Tampa, FL, copilot
  • SP4 Guy L. Mears, Rockmart, GA, crew chief (Dist Svc Cross)
While SP4 Mears received the Distinguished Service Cross, it is believed that the award was for a previous incident. Regretably, The Virtual Wall was not able to locate the text of his DSC Citation.

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