Willard Dale Marshall
United States Marine Corps
La Jolla, California
November 10, 1937 to June 11, 1968
WILLARD D MARSHALL is on the Wall at Panel W58, Line 27
See the full profile or name rubbing for Willard Marshall

Combat Action Ribbon

23 May 2001

Dale was only in Vietnam four months when he was killed. His tour started February 17, 1968, and ended June 11, 1968, when he died in Quang Nam, South Vietnam.

He was a great guy and I miss him.

A memorial from his friend,
George K. Eubanks, LTC, USMC, Retired

14 Nov 2006

Quantico Marine Athletes Assn.

Dale Marshall was a member of the 1962 Quantico Track team. Our Association, The Quantico Marine Athletes, is planning to erect and dedicate a monument at The Basic School in Quantico. This Monument will honor the 11 Quantico Athletes who were killed in action in Vietnam. We have been unable to locate any of Dale's relatives. We know that he was survived by a wife and two sons. If anyone can help us find a relative, please contact me.

From a fellow Quantico athlete,
Ed Conti


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The Marine Corps Interrogator Translator Teams Association web site contains the following text:
"WILLARD DALE MARSHALL was born on November 10, 1937 in California. He was a Distinguished Graduate of the United States Naval Academy, Class of 1961. He was serving as Team Commander of the 19th ITT. While on patrol to obtain information of intelligence value, he was ambushed by a vastly superior force of Viet Cong soldiers on June 11, 1968. He was Killed in Action during the ensuing firefight in Quang Nam Province, South Vietnam. Captain Marshall was posthumously awarded the Bronze Star Medal for heroic action."

Captain Marshall was with the IIT team at Headquarters, 27th Marines during Operation ALLEN BROOK. The 27th Marines' Situation Report for 11 June 1968 reports a single death on that date as follows:

"Found cave at AT997637. Threw M-26 in cave, received grenades in return. 4 VC fled, pursued by 4 men from patrol. 1 USMC tripped SFD [a surprise firing device, i.e., a booby trap]. 1 USMC KIA, 1 USMC WIA (minor), 1 VC KIA, 1 VC POW, 1 detainee."
Ten Marines died in Quang Nam Province on 11 June 1968. Nine of them can be firmly associated with specific units and events as reported by those units. Only one incident remains unassociated with a specific Marine ... the booby trap incident cited above. Captain Marshall's casualty record says that he was killed by an "explosive device". While the Marine killed by the device is not identified by name, the unavoidable conclusion is that Captain Marshall died in the incident reported by the 27th Marines.

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