Danny Glen Marshall
United States Marine Corps
Waverly, West Virginia
March 09, 1957 to July 21, 1976
(Incident Date May 15, 1975)
DANNY G MARSHALL is on the Wall at Panel W1, Line 131
See the full profile or name rubbing for Danny Marshall

Combat Action Ribbon

11 Dec 2002

Danny, you were left behind but you are not forgotten. Your name is on "The Wall," along with many of your "brothers," and your story will never be forgotten: the Mayaguez "incident" is written about in many books and is a part of history. Be at peace, Marine, and forgive those who feel guilty that you were left behind "on their watch."

Just a person who cares,
Gently (Judith)

03 Feb 2003

I have been here... I remember... Rita

07 March 2003

Danny, your birthday is coming soon, March 9th (1957) ... I wish your family could know about this The Virtual Wall, you have never been forgotten. Rita


20 Feb 2004

Danny I know now how my Best Friend was lost and I have Ralph Wetterhahn to thank for the book he wrote ("The Last Battle"). Danny, you have been missed for 29 years and will be missed forever.

How our government could let anything like this happen makes one stop and think about how easy it is to cover up stuff they never want anyone to know about. To me it's not right nor is it fair to the families and friends of the men lost forever.

We were friends as kids growing up and I think we would have been friends for life but never got the chance to find out. You were taken away all too soon and way too young.

But 26 years after you became missing, in a way you were found by a wonderful man, and thanks to him Gary Hall and Joseph Hargrove were also found... The 3 that were left behind, but not forgotten.

My dear friend, I do miss you so very much, and every day I hope you are looking down from Heaven above watching over all of us and looking out for our safety .

And I just want to tell you something that the Marines never told the three of you: "A JOB WELL DONE, DANNY!".

All My Love, Teleah

From a good friend,
Teleah Cross

28 Aug 2004

I will honor you always!
Blood and Honor!!!

33 Beach Point Drive, Riverside, RI 02915

03 Aug 2005

My bracelet bears Danny's name - I have worn it for over ten years now, and will continue to. He, Joseph Hargrove and Gary Hall disappeared on my 2nd birthday (and Joseph's 25th). They will not be forgotten, my children will know of their sacrifice and the sacrifice of so many others. My Grandchildren will be told and my great grandchildren. When people ask about my bracelet I also tell them and ask them to pass the story on. I wish I could do more, I have written my state officials about recovering POWs still listed as missing and have been met with a deaf ear. I will continue to talk to those who will listen.

You are not forgotten.

Pamela Houk

29 Sep 2005

Hello, Danny, you don't know who I am but I am your niece. I wish I had gotten the chance to meet you. In a way the entire family was robbed of you and that makes me a little angry. You are looked at as an American hero and that makes us all proud of you. You have no idea how many nieces and nephews you have. You are very missed by Grandma and Mom and all the rest of us. I hope that someday you will come home, although at this point that is verry unlikely. Just know that you are very loved and cared for.

From his niece,
Danielle Evans

13 Nov 2005

I too was there at Koh Tang as the Senior Hospital Corpsman and am very sorry to say that we all lost too many good Marines and two of my Corpsmen.

I have been in touch with Susan, Danny's sister and want to say again how sorry I feel about her family's loss as well as the others that were affected by the Mayaguez recovery.

These brave men will not be forgotten nor will their valor.

From a brother in arms,
Gary Connor

03 Nov 2006

Private Marshall:
I received a POW/MIA bracelet from "Sergeant Grit" in the mail today. While I may never know you or your family, I feel great pride in wearing your bracelet. I am the proud girlfriend of a Marine Veteran; he served in Iraq three times and is now home safe. I wish your family could feel the comfort mine has. You and your family are in my prayers. I cannot imagine what the past 26 years have been like for them. God bless you, your family, the Marines, and our amazing military. Thank you for your service, Marine, you are not forgotten.

God Bless and Semper Fi.



The Mayaguez Incident

After the fall of Cambodia and South Vietnam to the Communists, Cambodian forces captured the US-registered ship SS MAYAGUEZ, taking her to the offshore island of Koh Tang. President Gerald Ford directed that the ship should be recaptured and her crew freed by use of force.

The USS CORAL SEA (CV-43) battle group and an assault group from the 9th Marines were directed to land on the island and retake the ship and crew. Although intelligence estimates indicated that the island was lightly held, in fact there were a considerable number of Cambodian troops in place - and they had hand-held weapons suitable for use against helicopters.

The Marines staged through U-Tapao RTAFB in Thailand and were landed by USAF CH-53A helicopters. As the helicopters approached shore, the aircraft were taken under fire and four were brought down:

  • One had disembarked its troops and ditched offshore; the crew was picked up.
  • One went down in the surfline and all aboard made it ashore.
  • One went down in the surfline with a single casualty.
  • One went down offshore; eleven Marines and two Navy Corpsmen were not rescued.
In a sense the rescue effort was successful - the ship was recaptured and its 39 crewmen recovered - but the cost was high: 50 wounded and 17 unaccounted for ... 14 servicemen believed killed in the downed helicopters, one known dead Marine whose body could not be recovered, and three missing Marines ashore (PFC Gary Hall, LCpl Joseph Hargrove, and Pvt Danny Marshall).

Eventually the US and Cambodian governments agreed to attempt the recovery of remains from the raid and in 1995 a number of human remains were repatriated. During May and June of 2000, the US government announced the positive identification of nine of the missing men.

As of 24 Feb 2004 nine men who participated in the MAYAGUEZ raid haven't come home:

  • 21st Special Ops Squadron (USAF)
  • E Co, 2nd Bn, 9th Marines
  • G Co, 2nd Bn, 9th Marines
    • LCPL Ashton N. Loney, Albany, NY
    • PFC Daniel A. Benedett, Auburn King, WA
    • PFC James J. Jacques, Denver, CO
    • PFC James R. Maxwell, Center Ridge, AR

  • H&S Co, 2nd Bn, 9th Marines
    • PFC Richard W. Rivenburgh, San Diego, CA

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