Carmine Angelo Macedonio
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Williston Park, New York
July 13, 1950 to December 07, 1970
CARMINE A MACEDONIO is on the Wall at Panel W6, Line 113
See the full profile or name rubbing for Carmine Macedonio


08 Jun 2002

Carmine, you died so young.
We were our family's only Vietnam Vets.
One day our family will all reunite in heaven.
'til then, Cousin Joe

22 Jan 2007

Carmine, I never met you but I went to school with your sister Anna. I remember the day that we had found out that you had been killed in action. I remember the funeral and even though we have never met, I remember the picture of your smiling face on the back of your mass card. 30+ years have passed, even though we never met I will never forget you.

Russell Anzalone

26 Jan 2007

This was my uncle ... I did not know him but I feel connected because my name is exactly his.

From his nephew,
Carmine Macedonio

27 Sep 2007

I never spoke to Carmine or heard him speak but I must tell you that he had a profound influence on my life. I grew up in New Hyde Park and saw his band The Green Leaves of Summer play at The Knights of Columbus Hall around 1969 or 1970 shortly before he entered the service. My late brother Gene also performed with him and they both seemed like angels to me. Carmine was so full of life. He had almost a glow about him and a spirit that could not be compromised, much like my brother. I haven't run into many people like this in my life but he certainly affected me as a significant and strong influence. I pray that the two have met each other again in heaven and I bless you for having met Carmine. Best regards. Love, Deborah

Deborah M. Tunney

27 Mar 2008

I will never forget you, In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida baby.

From a friend,
Paul Sibek
Los Angeles, Ca

27 Mar 2008

Mace, this is to you. You brought my love to the Saint Aidan's dance June 26, 1966 and we have been together ever since. Gary and I miss you very much and will always consider it our honor to have been your friends.

Love Always,
Gary and Vicki Borgia,
Your friends from the old days!


A Note from The Virtual Wall

C Troop, 1st Sqdn, 1st Cavalry, lost three men to a mine on 07 Dec 1970:
  • SP4 Joe E. Crenshaw, Mobile, AL;
  • CPL Thomas L. Lafferty, Adrian, MI; and
  • PFC Carmine A. Macedonio, Williston Park, NY.

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