Stephen Michael Lynch
Army of the United States
Parkersburg, West Virginia
June 05, 1950 to December 18, 1970
STEPHEN M LYNCH is on the Wall at Panel W6, Line 130
See the full profile or name rubbing for Stephen Lynch

Stephen M Lynch
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24 May 2001


You said before leaving for Vietnam that you would be a hero. You will always be a hero in our eyes. We all love and miss you very much.

Your sister,

15 Dec 2003

Steve, it has been many years since you left us. We will never forget the sacrifice that you have made for all of us. As I write this, I think back to the time when we were kids at home eagerly waiting for Santa to come. That has been so long ago. I named my son after you. His name is Michael. He is in the service too. He is a Sergeant in the Marines. Our family hasn't been the same since you left us. Mom and dad are both gone. Grandma Minnear and this year on June 27th our other brother Scott passed away. This has been a hard year. I know that someday we will all be together again. I am praying for that day. I will never forget the times that you tried to teach me to drive. Those were some good times. Now, I have 9 grandchildren, with the 10th to arrive in late April or early May. I thank God that you don't have to see the world the way that it is today. Tell Mom, Dad, Grandma, Jimmy, and Scott that I love them and hopefully someday we will all be together again.

Love from your younger sis,

Lois A. Gatrell
Rt 3 Box 38 Pennsboro, WV 26415

26 Feb 2003

Dear Steve,

It has been so long since you went away. Mom and Dad were never the same. Our whole family has gone through so much in the past years. Now Mom and Dad, Grandma Minnear and little Jimmy are with you. We are so proud of you and what you have done to serve our country. Thank you for your sacrifice. We love you so much.

I pray that God will save the rest of the family so that one day we will all be together.

Love, Your big Sis, Linda

Linda Guinn
Route 1 Box 91c, Rockport, W.Va 26169

07 Mar 2003

My Dear Steve,
you are always with me and you will always be in my heart.

Love, Your Wife, Vickie
P. O. Box 1637, Beltsville, MD 20704


Notes from The Virtual Wall

On the night of 18 Dec 1970, B Troop, 7th Squadron, 1st Cavalry, was conducting a mission which involved a flight of four OH-6A aircraft. While enroute to the operating area, the lead aircraft was observed to enter a steep turn to the right at which time the second aircraft collided with the lead aircraft. Both aircraft descended to the ground out of control and crashed and burned with no survivors. Four men died:
  • In OH-6A tail number 66-07807:
    • WO1 Gary Leslie Bartels, pilot
    • SGT Stephen Michael Lynch, observer

  • In OH-6A tail number 66-17759:
    • CPT Floyd Dean Solomon, pilot
    • SP5 John Martinez, observer

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